The phone number 0803128206321 is fake; the actual callers are probably based abroad. A call center knows your personal data and wants to make you an offer you don’t want.
If you call the number 0803128206321, you will not reach anyone. The number is probably not genuine and has no connection with the real callers. A telephone system uses call ID spoofing to make you believe this number, but the criminal call center is located abroad.
What do these callers want?
・Call center employees call you in bad German with fantasy names such as “Deutsche Solar” and claim that you have expressed an interest in advice online.
・They have some of your personal data. You can tell, for example, that they know where you live when they claim that “their fitters are currently visiting your town.”
・The aim of these calls is to arrange a consultation appointment. They are paid for this, and everything else then depends on the skill of the client’s representative.
・The calls are made repeatedly over several days and at any time.
・The calls are often just ping calls, where the phone rings briefly, but no one is on the line. The purpose is for a dialling computer to check that the telephone numbers in its database exist.
These calls are cold calls and are illegal. However, the perpetrators have little to fear because of the fake number and their location abroad. To convict such companies, you would have to report them to the police, make an appointment, and then establish a connection to the client via the representative.
Block the number 0803128206321
・If this number keeps calling you, simply block it. You can block a phone number on Android and iPhone in just a few steps.
・If they call you on the landline network, use the block list in the “Telephony Center” to reject these callers on the Telekom network.
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