A whole grain-based diet can help to lower high blood pressure.
According to Peter Walger, a doctor of internal medicine and intensive care medicine, the risk of heart attack,
stroke, heart failure, and kidney failure can be minimised.
The doctor explains that three portions of whole grain products daily, such as unground wheat, wild rice, barley, or oatmeal, are required to have a health-promoting effect.
Whole grains work, as well as taking medication
The finding is not new; the scientific study from the UK to which Walger refers proved the positive effect of whole grains years ago. 200 healthy middle-aged people took part. The study showed that the blood pressure-lowering effect of a diet rich in whole grain products is comparable to the effect of medication.
According to Walger, the researchers attribute this to plant-based ingredients such as fibre, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which are mainly contained in unpeeled or unground whole grain products. The husk’s antioxidant components apparently have a beneficial effect on blood vessel conditions.
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