A supposedly reputable online store offers unbeatable prices and only requires a bank transfer. After placing an order, you suddenly receive a request for payment by email and WhatsApp—but the goods never arrive.
The fake store bikeunivers.de offers brand-name bikes at low prices. However, payment can only be made by bank transfer. If you don’t pay, you receive a payment request by email and WhatsApp. If you ignore this, you will not receive the goods despite paying.
How to recognize fake stores
The fake store looks reputable at first glance. It is attractively designed, and the company and contact details are given in the legal notice. But you shouldn’t be fooled by this—always check online stores carefully before placing an order.
Here are some tips for recognizing fake stores:
Too cheap: Is an offer too good to be true? Is the product only so cheap in this store? Then, it is most likely a fake store. Criminals mainly lure customers in with low prices.
Only prepayment is possible: Fake stores often promise various payment options in their terms of payment. However, only a direct bank transfer is possible at check-out. We advise against paying in advance, as this indicates a fraudulent online store in many cases.
Experience on the Internet: Search for online stores where people are ordering for the first time using the keywords “experience” or “fake” on the Internet. There may already be warnings not to shop there. Also, check the list of fraudulent online stores to see if the store is already listed as fake.
The fake store sends payment requests by email and WhatsApp
After placing an order with the fake store bikeunivers.de, you receive an email requesting payment with bank details. Allegedly, the goods will only be sent once payment has been received. However, if you don’t pay, the criminals will also contact you via WhatsApp and ask you to transfer the amount.
Paypal function “Friends and family”
In one reported case, the person replied via WhatsApp that they could only pay via PayPal. The criminals then contacted them and sent an email address. Watchlist Internet suspects that the criminals are trying to get the victims to pay the amount via the PayPal “friends and family” function. The buyer protection expires if the money is transferred via the “Friends and family” option. Those affected can then no longer reclaim their money via PayPal Buyer Protection.
Already paid? Here’s what you can do:
Contact the bank: Retaining the money is difficult if you’ve paid in advance. Contact the bank anyway and ask if a chargeback is possible.
Report the matter to the police: Unfortunately, if a refund is not possible, the only option is to report the matter to the police. Go to the nearest police station and describe what happened. Take an official photo ID and all documents proving the fraud with you.
Frequently asked questions:
How do I recognize a fake store?
A fake store looks reputable at first glance. It is attractively designed, and the company and contact details are given in the legal notice. The prices are very low, and only a direct bank transfer is usually possible.
What should I do if I have already paid?
If you have paid in advance, it is very difficult to get your money back. Contact the bank anyway and ask whether a chargeback is possible. Unfortunately, if a refund is not possible, the only option is to report it to the police. Go to the nearest police station and describe what happened. Take an official photo ID and all documents proving the fraud with you.
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