The color of the banana: A key to taste and nutritional value

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The color of a banana reveals its ripeness and how its ingredients can affect your health. According to Girlfriend, each stage offers unique benefits from green to brown bananas.

Green bananas: the source of starch

Green bananas, which are still unripe and firm, contain particularly high levels of resistant starch. This acts like fiber, reaching the undigested large intestine and supporting intestinal flora there. In addition, resistant starch stabilizes blood sugar levels and promotes a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Pectin, a soluble fiber in green bananas, contributes to better digestion. This phase is ideal for people who want to keep their blood sugar under control or lose weight.

Yellow bananas: the all-rounder

Yellow bananas are a classic with their sunny yellow color and sweet taste. They contain a balanced mixture of natural sugar and important nutrients such as vitamin C, B6, and potassium. These vitamins and minerals support the immune system, muscle function and skin health. Yellow bananas provide quick energy and are perfect for athletes or people with high energy requirements.

Brown bananas: the antioxidant bomb

Brown bananas, often wrongly labeled as “overripe,” are a real treasure trove of antioxidants, especially dopamine. These protect the body from free radicals and support cell health. With their high sugar content, brown bananas are ideal as a natural sweetener for smoothies or desserts.

Whether green, yellow or brown – every banana has its strengths. Personal taste determines which stage of ripeness goes on your plate. But one thing is certain: bananas are a healthy treat in any form.

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