For the first time, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Vaccination Council recommends administering a fourth Corona vaccination for specific groups.
World Health Organization (WHO) Vaccination Council Chairman Alejandro Cravioto stressed Thursday in Geneva that the recommendation of a fourth vaccination for the elderly does not imply a recommendation for regular boosters every four to six months. The vaccination council left the exact age group open in its proposal.
WHO recommendations also for healthcare workers and people with weakened immune systems
Each country would have to decide at what age to offer boosters. They should be administered four to six months after the last vaccination. In addition to the elderly, the Vaccination Council recommends the booster for health care workers of all ages and people with weakened immune systems or other conditions that increase the risk of severe illness following Corona infection.
Fourth Corona vaccination is recommended in Austria starting at the age 60
In Austria, the fourth prick of the Corona vaccine is recommended for people 60 years of age and older, four to six months after the basic three-part immunization. The National Immunization Panel (NIG) lowered the age limit in the previous week’s recommendation for use from 65 years last time. In addition, at-risk individuals twelve years and older should also get a booster. Healthy persons from twelve to 59 years are still “not generally recommended” a booster vaccination. However, even these persons should not be deprived of a booster vaccination upon personal request.
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