Israel eases corona restrictions

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A good two weeks before the parliamentary election, Israel is striving for another piece of normality. But only certain citizens can enjoy the new Corona freedoms.

Restaurants and cafes in Israel have reopened, subject to conditions. For example, only guests with a so-called green pass are allowed to be served indoors. This digital ID card has been issued for two weeks to those whose second vaccination against the coronavirus was at least a week ago, as well as COVID-19 recovered people. All other people are only allowed to be in outdoor food service areas.

Event halls and gardens are now allowed to reopen with up to 50 percent occupancy capacity, up to a maximum of 300 people. Dining halls in hotels have also opened under restrictions. With seats at half capacity, houses of worship may also be used again. Here, an upper limit of 500 people applies. In sports stadiums, up to 1500 visitors are allowed.

However, many relaxation steps in Israel apply only to passport holders, who thus enjoy significantly more freedoms than unvaccinated people. All citizens, however, are urged to continue to abide by Corona rules such as mouth-to-nose protection and spacing.

Middle schools also reopened this Sunday with the start of the Israeli work week. Students with green passports were allowed to return to their colleges. The unvaccinated can still only follow classes via video.

The third relaxation stage also lifts restrictions on taking people in private vehicles and the requirement to take a temperature at entrances to public and commercial places.

The ban on entry by Israelis also no longer applies. However, the number of permitted entries is limited to 3,000 people daily.

The vaccination campaign in Israel is among the fastest in the world. In the country, which has a population of just over nine million, almost five million people have received an initial vaccination so far, and more than 3.7 million citizens have also received a second vaccination.

The situation in Germany, with its 83 million inhabitants, is completely different. There, about 4.9 million people have received a first vaccination and about 2.4 million citizens have received a second vaccination so far.

Sources:, kna, rtr, afp/picture:

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