Painkillers work best in this position

When acute pain occurs, painkillers should provide quick relief. The correct position in which they are taken can play a decisive role. Researchers at the renowned Johns Hopkins University found that a medication works up to ten times faster if taken in the correct posture. As most medicines only take effect when the stomach releases the active ingredients into the intestine, the aim was to determine which position a tablet reaches at the back of the stomach the fastest. Posture is crucial to account for gravity and the stomach’s natural…

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Experts warn – it will be expensive for you without an eID card

ID cards, such as driving licenses, can be presented digitally. But if this doesn’t work, it can be expensive.ID cards, such as driving licenses and registration certificates, can be presented in Austria via ID-Austria. But experts warn if it doesn’t work. The digital driver’s license has been a reality in Austria for some time now, followed by the digital registration certificate this year. The implementation is practical: ID Austria allows owners of the documents to “digitize” them in just a few moments and then use them with the “eAusweise” app.…

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Austria among the top 3: The most powerful passports in the world

Being able to move freely around the world and travel to almost any country without any problems is a privilege that we almost take for granted. But this freedom to travel is not a given in every country. Every year, the British consultancy firm “Henley & Partners” selects the most powerful passport in the world. The “Passport Ranking” is based on the criterion of how many countries passport holders can enter without a visa. Austria is also among the leaders. These are the most powerful passports in the world in…

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The Goodness of Humanity: A Story of Honesty and Kindness in Vienna

In an age where technology dominates our daily lives, losing a valuable item like a smartphone can cause significant distress. However, sometimes, these situations highlight the inherent goodness in people, restoring our faith in humanity. Such was the case when my son accidentally left his iPhone on an underground train in Vienna. The Incident The incident occurred during a routine trip to Vienna’s efficient underground system. My son, absorbed in the sights and sounds of the bustling city, unknowingly left his iPhone behind when we disembarked. It wasn’t until he…

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Philippine Embassy in Austria joined Festivities with Filipino Community at Barrio Fiesta 2024

The vibrant and rich culture of the Philippines was on full display as the Philippine Embassy in Vienna joined the Filipino community at the 2024 Barrio Fiesta, a celebration of culture, heritage, arts, and gastronomy organized by the Council of Filipino Associations in Austria (CFAA). The event, held on July 20, 2024, brought together approximately 2,000 attendees, including Filipinos from various regions of Austria, neighboring countries, and local Austrian friends. Ambassador Evangelina A. Bernas, in her address at the festivities, emphasized the invaluable contributions of the united Filipino community in…

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Apple will be ready in 2026 with the introduction of the “iPhone Flip”

Apple has been holding back for a long time, but now the plan is finally in place. The iPhone manufacturer will, therefore, also enter the race for smartphones with flexible displays and present such an iPhone in the foreseeable future. The basic design will be based on Samsung, the current number one in cell phones and Apple’s biggest competitor. For many years, repeated reports have been made about Apple’s experiments with foldable iPhones. So far, none of the developments have led to a saleable device. The relatively small market has…

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It’s getting even hotter! 35 degrees possible in Austria

It’s been hot over the past few days, and it’s staying that way: According to weather experts, temperatures are set to rise again in the new week, with peaks of 35 degrees! With the heat, however, the chance of thunderstorms, some of them heavy, will increase again in the second half of the week … Temperatures will rise noticeably over the course of the week. Meteorologists at UBIMET Austria are even forecasting highs of over 30 degrees in every federal state on Wednesday. “In the west, the peak of the…

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How much does happiness cost?

What is the price of happiness? How much money do you need to be happy? Various studies and research projects have already attempted to answer these questions. A 2010 US study by Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, for example, concluded that a higher income equates to an objectively greater sense of achievement, which increases emotional well-being—but only up to an annual income of 75,000 US dollars per person. Beyond that, more money would not make you any happier. The study “Happiness, income satiation, and turning points around the world,” conducted…

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Walking or running: Which uses more energy for the same distance?

Running or walking: Which activity uses more energy for the same distance? According to a report in The Conversation, researchers investigated this question back in the 1970s. Running consumes more energy than walking, even if the same distance is covered. This is because the body performs a greater vertical movement when running. This up-and-down movement requires more strength from the leg muscles, which means additional energy expenditure. Therefore, some energy moves the body upward instead of just forward. After intense physical activity, calorie consumption remains elevated for several minutes, which…

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