Slovenia tightens transit rule

Tightened up: as of July 15, one must show proof of 3G when crossing the border into Slovenia – even when passing through. After the Corona situation had actually slowly eased again in most European countries, the numbers are skyrocketing again in many places. So it’s hardly surprising that some countries are tightening their entry regulations again. Croatia, Malta and Israel, for example, have recently changed their travel regulations. Austria’s neighbors Slovakia and the Czech Republic have also made changes regarding entry in recent days. As of July 15, proof…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Fact sheet for Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine expanded, France tightens measures

More than 187 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4 million infected people have died. About 3.4 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide.The latest developments The fact sheet for Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine has been revised to warn of the risk of rare immune system disease. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday (7/13) it added the warning after 100 reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition in which the immune system attacks nerves in people who…

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Numbers rise again: 218 new Corona infections in Austria

For the first time since mid-June, more than 200 new infections were registered on Tuesday. Specifically, 218 new infections with the coronavirus were reported in Austria from Monday to Tuesday. A week ago, there had been 84 new cases. In addition, there was a new death in the past 24 hours in connection with the coronavirus. Thus, the numbers are currently rising again significantly. With today’s figures, the 7-day incidence is 12.59. The lowest level was 5.28 on July 3. As of today, 10,724 people across Austria have died as…

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What to consider when using your cell phone abroad

Limits for data in the EU ▶ Overseas roamingIf you travel within the EU, you can make calls with your cell phone just like at home. However, there are often limits on data volume even in other EU countries. If you exceed them, it will be expensive. The same applies to cell phone chatting and surfing outside the EU, e.g., overseas. If you use your cell phone abroad just as you do at home, you may be in for a surprise. In the EU, including Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, you…

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118 million more affected Corona massively increases global hunger

Nearly one in three people in the world cannot adequately feed themselves. Corona is causing one of the sharpest increases in hunger in decades. Yet the pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg, the United Nations warns. The Corona pandemic has increased the number of people suffering from hunger worldwide by 18 percent, according to a U.N. report. The “economic collapses resulting from the Corona response around the world have led to one of the worst increases in global hunger in decades,” according to a joint report by several…

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RKI reports 646 new cases Nationwide incidence continues to rise slightly

The seven-day incidence in Germany remains at a low level. However, it has been increasing again for days. Compared to the previous week, it has already increased by a third. The RKI recently reported 646 new corona infections – the number of deaths is slightly lower than the previous week. The seven-day incidence has been rising every day for the past week. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it climbed most recently to 6.5. Exactly one week earlier, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days…

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Vaccination call and personal responsibility: Focus on CoV strategy for summer

The CoV delta variant is increasingly spreading in Austria. At the same time, the number of vaccinated people is growing. Politicians and scientists are searching between these two poles for the best possible strategy for the summer. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) again called for vaccination and emphasized people’s personal responsibility. However, certain “framework conditions” of the state will still be needed, experts say. “The virus will not disappear, it will stay. It will keep us busy for years to come,” Kurz, who is currently on a trip to the United…

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Pope rejoiced at Italy’s victory in European soccer championship

Pope Francis was also pleased with Italy’s victory in the European Football Championship. This was communicated on Monday. Pope Francis was pleased with the victory of the Italian national team against England in the final of the European Football Championship. This was communicated by Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni on Monday. Francis, who is considered a soccer fan, “shared the joy of the victory of the Argentine and Italian national teams with the people close to him.” Francis stresses values of sportAccordingly, the head of the Catholic Church stressed the importance…

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Chancellor Sebastian Kurz expects new wave of corona and calls for vaccination

Austria – Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) has urgently appealed to all citizens to get vaccinated against the corona virus. This is because the infection figures will soon rise again in Austria as well, he said in New York on Sunday evening (local time). “The virus will not disappear, it will stay. It will keep us busy for years to come,” Kurz said. He made it known at the same time that he received his second Astrazeneca vaccine dose a few days ago. “For anyone who has been vaccinated, the pandemic…

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