Rising trend in corona infections in Austria

In the past 24 hours, according to figures from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior (as of 9:30 a.m. Sunday), 159 new infections with the coronavirus have been recorded, more than the average of the past seven days (125) and more than twice as many as last Sunday’s 75. The seven-day incidence of infections per 100,000 inhabitants is also on the rise, approaching the ten-case threshold at 9.8 cases. Thus, 2,000 Corona cases were active in Austria on Sunday, 84 more than on Saturday. The number…

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159 new corona infections in Austria

From Friday to Saturday, there were 159 new Corona infections in Austria. Compared to the previous week (75 cases), this is an increase of 84 cases. This brings the 7-day incidence to 9.83. In addition, there is no new death associated with Covid 19 infection. The number of active cases increases to 2,000 with 75 new recoveries. In the past 24 hours, 25,810 new PCR tests were performed, bringing the positive rate to 0.62 percent. The positive news, despite slightly increasing numbers, is that there are three fewer Corona patients…

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Double infection possible: Researchers report fatal infection

Apparently, it is possible to become infected with different variants of the coronavirus at the same time. Belgian scientists are tracking down a disturbing finding: There are covid patients who contract different variants of the virus at the same time. These are still isolated cases because studies are lacking. But experts believe co-infections are an underestimated phenomenon. In Belgium, a 90-year-old woman died after being infected with two different variants of the coronavirus at the same time. According to scientists, the unvaccinated woman lived alone at home, where she was…

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RKI reports 745 new cases: Seven-day incidence continues to rise

Germany – The nationwide seven-day incidence continues to rise on Sunday: it now stands at 6.2. Although corona case numbers are currently low overall, the spread of the particularly contagious delta variant is a cause for concern. For the first time in about two weeks, the seven-day incidence in Germany has climbed above 6.0. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Sunday morning, it was 6.2 new infections in seven days per 100,000 inhabitants (previous day: 5.8; previous week: 5.0). Health offices in Germany reported 745 new…

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The numbers of COVID infections are rising again across borders

The numbers are rising again. But unfortunately not a good one: Leading the way: Great Britain, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus. In May and June, however, the figures had been falling, grumbling away at low levels. Relaxations came into force, and people again flocked to bars, nightclubs, museums and stadiums. People were allowed to meet again, they could travel. But at the same time, delta spread – a much more contagious variant.Now the numbers are rising again. In part by leaps and bounds, as in Great Britain. The European soccer championship…

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Vaccination appeal by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz: “Either vaccination or infection”

New infections would continue to rise, chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced held Friday morning. “Accept the offer of vaccination,” was the joint appeal of government members to the population. A task force was set up by the government to monitor over the summer to coordinate on further steps to prepare for the fall and the colder season. In order to increase the vaccination rate, they are counting on an expansion of low-threshold services, he said. The increase is “as clear as day” because it is known that the pandemic comes in…

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Pope continues on the road to recovery after surgery

Pope Francis is recovering according to expectations at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome. His blood results are satisfactory after intestinal surgery last Sunday. The pope is slowly resuming work and celebrated Mass on Friday afternoon and then had dinner together with those who supported him these days, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced Saturday, according to Kathpress. The Pope especially highlighted the “human dedication” of the medical and nursing staff who cared for him. He thought of all those who, with care and compassion, chose “the face of suffering” and cared…

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Coronavirus worldwide: first death since December in Sydney, Belgian woman dies after infection with two strains of the virus

More than 186 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4 million infected people have died. About 3.4 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian warned that the lockdown of Greater Sydney will most likely have to be extended beyond July 16. 77 new cases of the virus were recorded in the Australian state of New South Wales on Sunday (7/11), the highest number during the recent resurgence. The total number of Delta cases now…

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Delta variant: Several European countries tighten measures

Because of the highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus, several European countries and regions are tightening their protective measures again. In the Netherlands, discos and nightclubs are closed again, also in Catalonia, social life was restricted again on Saturday. Concerns also arise the upcoming final of the European Football Championship in front of tens of thousands of fans in London. In the Netherlands, discos and nightclubs were closed again on Saturday, and restaurants are only allowed to open until midnight. Government leader Mark Rutte justified the rules, which will…

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