“Green Passport” app now also available for Android

The app for the “Green Passport” provided by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Federal Computing Center is now also available for the Android operating system. The digital application was already available last week for Apple products (iOS) and Huawei devices, the health department said today. The app is intended to enable secure offline storage of EU-compliant vaccination, testing and convalescent certificates, including QR codes (on mobile devices). This is to enable easy presentation of the same when accessing and traveling within the European Union, it said at…

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New week starts with 80 new Corona infections

No Corona deaths were reported across Austria over the recent weekend. The new week now starts with 80 new infections and four deaths. Although the Delta variant is becoming more prevalent in Austria, Corona numbers remain low nationwide for now. On Monday, health officials report 80 new infections and four deaths – Saturday and Sunday reported 75 and 93 infections, respectively; there were no deaths on either day. In normal wards, the number of corona patients decreased by seven to 125, while in intensive care units it remained constant at…

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Johnson & Johnson found to be highly effective against the more highly contagious delta variant

Recently, Johnson Johnson was also vaccinated more frequently in Austria. The handling with the single vaccination and the predicted high effectiveness against the delta variant make the vaccine currently in demand. Over the weekend, there were long lines in front of vaccination boxes in Vienna and vaccination centers in Tyrol. The reason: corona vaccinations without pre-registration, respectively without appointment. In the course of the film festival on Vienna’s Rathausplatz, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was also vaccinated there in a vaccination box. For under 18-year-olds, the vaccine Biontech and Pfizer…

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Biden calls vaccination a ‘patriotic act’

President Joe Biden strongly urged Americans to get vaccinated on the National Day holiday to achieve “independence” from the coronavirus together. Getting vaccinated is the “most patriotic” thing citizens can do now, Biden said Sunday night (4/7). “So please: If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, do it. Do it now – for yourself, for your loved ones, for your community, for your country.” Independence Day also had special significance this year because Biden wanted a new vaccination goal achieved by then. But the goal was missed despite numerous vaccination incentives…

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Analysis: Even vaccinated people can be infected with delta

The Delta variant of Sars-CoV-2 is spreading. The latest example is Israel, where the vast majority of adults have been vaccinated. Still, cases there are on the rise again. The delta variant of Sars-CoV-2 is on the rise. In the United Kingdom, it dominates the infection scene, accounting for at least 90 percent of infections. Within weeks, it had won out over the previously widespread alpha variant. It is also gaining ground elsewhere. In Austria, there are about 734 Delta infections (as of June 29, 2021, according to AGES), Switzerland…

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RKI reports 212 new infections Seven-day incidence stagnates at 5.0

The seven-day incidence is stagnating, albeit at a very low level. As on the previous day, it is at 5.0 nationwide. The RKI also reports one additional deceased person. Health offices in Germany have reported 212 new Corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. This is according to figures from Monday morning, which reflect the status of the RKI dashboard as of 4:40 am. By comparison, the figure had been 219 infections a week ago. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence as 5.0 nationwide (previous day:…

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Should you still use expired sun cremes?

Why buy a new line of sun creme for face and body when there’s so much of last year’s left? The answer: because it’s probably expired, and in that case, using it could be harmful to your health. Good suncremes don’t have to be expensive. Cheap products from discounters regularly win out in relevant tests. Nevertheless, any sustainably-minded person would be reluctant to simply throw away opened tubes or sprays. But once suncreme has expired, it loses its UV protection. Anyone who doesn’t know this and reaches for an opened…

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Russia records more than 25,000 new infections

The CoV situation in Russia continues to worsen. The authorities today registered more than 25,000 new infections within 24 hours – the highest number since the beginning of January. According to the report, 663 people died with the virus in the same period. Previously, record death tolls had been reported for five days in a row. In the world’s largest country in terms of area, the highly contagious delta variant is particularly rampant. The Russian capital Moscow and the tourist metropolis of St. Petersburg, where the last of seven European…

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Admitted to hospital: Pope undergoes intestinal surgery

According to the Vatican, the pope is suffering from an intestinal illness that can cause fever and severe pain. For this reason, Francis has been admitted to a hospital, he said. Doctors there plan to perform a planned colon surgery on the 84-year-old before the end of the day. Pope Francis has been admitted to a hospital in Rome for a planned colon operation. As the Holy See further announced this afternoon, the head of the Catholic Church is in the polyclinic Agostino Gemelli. According to the statement, the operation…

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