Climate bonus 2023: How much money will I get?

There will also be a climate bonus in 2023. But this time, unfortunately, you won’t get much. How much will you get paid? The climate bonus payment is getting closer and closer. Unfortunately, there are some changes compared to last year. Above all, the amount may not necessarily cause enthusiasm. After all, not everyone gets the same amount (or little). The amount of climate bonus depends on the place of residenceThis year, for example, the amount no longer depends on inflation but only on the development of the price for…

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Endless heat? The next thunderstorm is coming

Summer is proving to be more extreme than ever, with heat and drought everywhere you look. Soon, however, it will be very wet and uncomfortable. The weather has gone wild in the last few weeks: Persistent precipitation, including a fair amount of snow at higher elevations, has been followed by unusually high temperatures. We have been under the spell of summer for a while now. Like Monday’s weather, Tuesday will be similar: humid with highs around 35 degrees. But then it could get humid for the first time and not…

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Pension adjustment factor at 9.7 percent in 2024

Pensions are expected to increase by approximately 9.7 percent next year. This is based on average inflation over the last twelve months. This includes the preliminary value for July 2023, so the final inflation adjustment may change. It is based on the average increase in the Consumer Price Index. The Ministry of Social Affairs calculates the reference value based on the inflation rates published each Friday by Statistics Austria. The arithmetic mean of the twelve annual inflation rates published by Statistics Austria is used for the calculation. This results in…

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Inflation at 7.0 percent, lowest since March 2022

Inflation continues to slow down. In July, inflation fell to 7.0 percent, the lowest level since March 2022, Statistics Austria announced on Friday. Responsible for the decline was the easing of price pressure on household energy. In particular, fuel and heating oil were significantly cheaper than a year ago. However, the price increases in catering and food remained at a similar level as in the previous month. Compared to July 2022, an easing was particularly evident at the gas pumps and for those who heat with heating oil. Diesel and…

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Covid infection figures are rising again in Austria

In terms of Sars-CoV-2, it was a quiet summer in Austria. For a good two weeks, the infection figures have been rising again. Individual tests are no longer included in the analysis; the infection situation is monitored with the help of wastewater monitoring. Samples from 48 wastewater treatment plants in Austria are evaluated, covering about 60 percent of the Austrian population. “Last summer, we had a powerful wave of infections,” says Andreas Bergthaler of Med-Uni Vienna. “In comparison, this summer, we had a much lower viral signal, but it was…

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Important dates for the upcoming school year in Austria

In Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland, the new school year begins on September 4; in the remaining provinces, it starts on September 11. Dates for the upcoming school year: October 31 is the first day of vacationAustria’s autumn vacation falls between National Day (October 26) and All Souls’ Day (November 2) for the fourth year. This year, November 2 occurs on a Thursday. Therefore, many schools will probably be closed the next day as well. This year, on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception occurs on a Friday,…

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Austria: Fuel prices rise – litre of diesel will soon cost 2 euros

Fuel prices are rising significantly again. Currently, a litre of diesel or gasoline costs 1.60 euros. According to experts, however, refuelling will become even more expensive. Refuelling has become significantly more expensive again in Austria—currently, a litre of diesel or gasoline costs around 1.60 euros. By the end of the year, fuel prices could likewise be close to the two-euro mark. Industry representatives expect this to happen. “If this doesn’t change fundamentally, we have to prepare for further increases,” Salzburg-based energy trader Franz Leikermoser told “” In the last four…

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New heat wave: 32 degrees, and it gets even hotter

With summer temperatures, it goes into the following week. First and foremost, sweating is the order of the day, as temperatures of up to 33 degrees are expected. However, with these high temperatures, the risk of isolated thunderstorms increases significantly in some states. Already on Monday, the sun shines widely undisturbed. However, spring clouds will form in the mountains and thunderstorms are possible from Salzburg westward. In the east and south, it will remain dry and often cloudless. The wind blows primarily weakly from the southern directions. Early temperatures range…

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Over 30 degrees: summer returns this weekend

Summer returns this weekend. Temperatures will rise to or above 30 degrees again starting Friday after heavy precipitation and cooler air.Mostly the sun shines in Austria, only on Sunday and Monday there are one or two showers. According to current information, there could also be heavy rain on Tuesday. High air pressure on FridayOn Friday, high air pressure will dominate the weather in the Eastern Alps. Thus, the sun will shine in almost all parts of the country from a nearly cloudless sky. Flat cumulus clouds may occasionally form in…

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