Penalty for the use of a cellphone while driving costs 100 euros as of May 1, 2023

As of May 1, certain traffic violations are more expensive. In future, the organ mandate will cost 100 euros instead of 50 euros if drivers are caught using a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving. If payment is refused or drivers are caught in a speed trap with a cell phone in their hands, the fine can be up to 140 euros. Previously it was 72 Euro.A violation of the obligation to use a seat belt in the car and a crash helmet on motorcycles or mopeds will,…

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Sun and rain alternate in the coming week with mild temperatures – up to 24 degrees

The coming week will be warmer than last; up to 24 degrees are possible, according to the Geosphere forecast. However, it would be best always to have an umbrella because it will remain changeable.Also, in the coming week, the changeable weather continues, as the meteorologists of Geosphere Austria predicted on Sunday. But it will be even warmer than last. Even if the early temperatures are still in the single digits, over 20 degrees are possible during the day. On May 1, mainly sunny weather in AustriaMonday will start in the…

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New laws and changes starting May 1, 2023 in Austria

There are several new laws and changes again in May: The Corona mask requirement falls, but traffic fines increase—an overview. A new month always brings new laws and changes. Also, in May 2023 are again so some. At the forefront this time is the end of the Corona mask requirement in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and nursing homes, as well as stricter traffic fines if you are caught driving with a cell phone or not wearing a seat belt. But there are also many other innovations. ➤ Many banks are reacting…

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Mask requirements at doctor’s offices and hospitals, and nursing homes end

On Monday, May 1, part of the remaining Corona rules will end. This means that the mask requirement, which was in effect until last, is also history in vulnerable areas such as hospitals, retirement and nursing homes, and doctors’ offices. The so-called risk group exemption will also expire. At the end of June, the obligation to report a covid illness will also be a thing of the past. However, despite the end of the mask obligation, physicians can still insist that patients and accompanying persons wear an FFP2 mask in…

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Vienna parking sticker changes from October

Vienna is changing its parking sticker as of October 1. It will no longer be collected using a Pickerl but license plate recognition.“The Pickerl is no longer a sticker, but a license plate recognition, as you might know it from one or the other underground car park,” said Vienna’s transport councilor Ulli Sima (SPÖ) in the ORF program “Wien heute”. The sticking on the windshield and also the uphill scraping off ends thus. Area-wide parking sticker in Vienna since March 2022Since March 2022, a short-term parking zone has been in…

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Medical association continues to recommend masks in doctor’s offices

The Medical Association of Lower Austria recommends wearing masks in ordination for infections even after the end of the mask requirement.The end for all Corona measures with June 30.“The end of many Corona rules is to be welcomed,” said Harald Schlögel, president of the Medical Association of Lower Austria. “But a mask not only protects against the Corona virus, it also protects against other infectious diseases.” Infectious diseases decreased due to masksWhen wearing them was still mandatory in many places during the pandemic, many infectious diseases were prevented or pushed…

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Heavy thunderstorms “with heavy rain and hail” approaching

A cold front is battering Austria hard on Saturday. Violent thunderstorms are expected in the country’s east, among other places. This is where it’s supposed to crash.According to the meteorologists of UBIMENT, behind the warm front follows the warm sector of the low, where with some sunshine, unstable air stratification can occur. On Saturday, the cold front will also pass over the east during the day. On the northern side of the Alps and in the east, isolated rain showers will start early in the morning, while in the south,…

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New traffic fines fixed – what motorists need to know

Motorists beware! As of May 1, certain traffic violations will become more expensive in Austria. This concerns: cell phone driving or the also the seat belt obligation. On May 1, 2023, parts of the 41st amendment to the Motor Vehicles Act 1967 (KFG) will come into force. Within the scope of this, specific penalty amounts will also be increased. Cell phone in the car, seat belt – the new catalog of penalties. “The organ mandate when using a cell phone at the wheel without hands-free device will then cost 100…

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Temperatures rise to spring levels

As the month draws to a close, the weather remains suitably changeable for April, but temperatures rise to spring levels.Over 20 degrees are, in many cases, at least intermittently indoors, despite repeatedly appearing clouds. On Friday, dense clouds cover the sky, especially in the west and along the northern side of the Alps. It often rains persistently, otherwise only intermittently. Towards the east, there will be less rain, but even there, the clouds will remain dense throughout the day. In the south, there will be little rain, but even here,…

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