Cold wave rolls over Austria

According to the ZAMG forecast, the coming days will pass without snow chaos, but temperatures will remain wintry cold. There was no snow chaos over the weekend – and there should be none for the coming days. However, the temperatures in Austria are and remain wintry. The weekly weather forecast of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics in detail: ZAMG forecast: It remains cold in AustriaAlong the northern side of the Alps and in the north and east, sun and clouds will alternate on Monday. Isolated snow showers are…

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More than 4,700 new Corona infections on Sunday

On Sunday, 4,714 new Corona infections were reported by authorities in Austria. Nearly 1,200 covid patients are in hospital. Especially the area districts Liesing, Floridsdorf, and Donaustadt, have gained new residents.The Corona situation in Austria is gradually coming to a head again. As expected by experts in their latest assessment, higher cases are now being registered with increasing frequency every week. The 2,617 new infections meant a slight decrease, but Tuesday (4,669 new cases) and Wednesday (6,689 new infections) showed that the trend of the numbers is rising again. A…

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Austria’s first digital driver’s license now available

The Analog was yesterday. The digital driver’s license is the first “eAusweis” in Austria and works via cell phone. Using the app “eAusweise,” every motor vehicle driver in Austria can now digitize their driver’s license. For the time being, the digital driver’s license is valid exclusively in Austria, but it will also be valid within the entire EU. To use the free app via Android or iOS, one has to log in to the “Digital Office” application with the proof of identity “ID Austria.” State Secretary for Digitalization Florian Tursky…

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6,689 new Corona infections reported Wednesday

On Wednesday, six thousand six hundred eighty-nine new Corona infections were reported in Austria. More than 1,000 Corona-infected people were in the hospital, 59 in intensive care units. Coronavirus spread in wastewater decreasesThe 6,689 new Corona infections reported by the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) on Wednesday are above the average of 4,786 cases over the past seven days. 1,055 Corona patients hospitalizedThe hospital treated 1,055 infected people Wednesday morning, 103 more than a week ago. Fifty-nine affected individuals required intensive care. On the day, five covid deaths…

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Snow is expected in Vienna this week

Austria is facing an exciting weather situation this weekend, which can provide a winter onset to low altitudes. Forecast. Although Austria’s temperature level is in line with the seasonal average, it has only been enough for wintry conditions away from the mountains for a short time so far. This changes over the weekend as the weather situation turns. According to the Austrian Severe Weather Center experts, an Italian low will bring increased snowfall, and even at low altitudes, regionally striking fresh snow is on the horizon. Currently, the Alpine region…

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On December 8, shopping is allowed in Austria – but not all stores will open their doors

The high feast of the Catholic Church is also a high feast for domestic retailers. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is considered one of the most important shopping days in the run-up to Christmas, so the cash registers are ringing accordingly. After last year’s hard lockdown, the stars are once again aligning for lucrative profits, at least on the Corona front – if it weren’t for inflation, which is putting a massive damper on Austrians’ desire to store, and exorbitant energy prices, which make every store think twice about…

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Free parking on December 8 in Vienna – Residents’ parking spaces note

On December 8, when parking in Vienna, be careful of neighboring parking lots.Short-term parking zones will not be in effect in Vienna on December 8. However, when parking, watch out for residents’ parking spaces to avoid a fine or towing. In Vienna, parking tickets can generally remain in the glove compartment on Thursday, December 8, according to ÖAMTC. Stores are open on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, but short-stay parking zones are not in effect on public holidays. However, residents’ parking spaces, such as those around Mariahilfer Strasse, may…

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It’s fixed! New bonus is coming this year

According to Finance Minister Magnus Brunner, a housing and heating subsidy is coming – and it will happen in 2022. According to Finance Minister Brunner, about half of households in Germany would heat with gas. In almost every federal state, he said that natural gas is the most common form of heating. The situation in Austria is quite different. Here, a total of only 23 percent heat with gas. “And we have big regional differences (note 3% gas heating in Carinthia),” Brunner explains. The electricity price brake was already introduced…

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Weather remains uncomfortable next week

The weather in Austria continues to present itself as unsettled at the beginning of the week. The low-pressure influence will make itself felt from the southwest; another disturbance zone will move in. On Monday, the west snowline drops to 700 meters by the evening, announced the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) on Sunday. Rain and snow await on MondayIn the east and southeast, on the other hand, precipitation will not begin over a large area until Monday evening. Before that, there will be a few drops from the…

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