Corona: Vaccinated plus recovered as a super immunity

Vaccinated plus recovered: The increasingly common combination is said to help 90 percent against infection. Those who make it through – Vaccinated plus recovered – have acquired what is known as super immunity. “The vaccinated who were also infected are the ones who are the best off,” says virologist Dorothee von Laer. “Those who have been vaccinated plus recovered have more than 90 percent protection against infection,” she said. Who assumes that the protection remains upright for six to 12 months. Should one nevertheless be positive again, a mild course…

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Climate report: How can the climate crisis be reduced?

The earth is heating up more and more. People, animals, and nature are suffering from the effects. The latest climate report now looks at what can be done to reduce the climate crisis and its consequences. The third and final part of the latest Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be published today, Monday. Representatives of the 195 member nations met for two weeks to finalize the summary for policymakers. While the first two parts of the latest State of the Climate report focused on…

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Wearing masks makes more sense than ever

The more state measures are gradually abolished, the more the responsibility for health care returns to the individual. Even in spring 2022, the corona pandemic is not yet over According to experts, wearing masks is particularly important, even though it is mandatory in fewer and fewer places. “If you are indoors with a lot of people, in the underground for example, or in a crowded supermarket, I would recommend continuing to wear a mask,” virologist Sandra Ciesek told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (FAZ) at the weekend. Intensive care physician Christian…

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Hybrid immunity offers the best protection against corona

According to studies, people who are both fully vaccinated against coronavirus and infected have the most robust protection against coronavirus. According to a study published in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, this “hybrid immunity” provides up to 20 months of high protection against re-infection. It is based on data from Sweden but does not yet refer to the Omikron variant. The 20-month “excellent protection” from vaccination and infection is “far better than we would expect for the original two-dose vaccination regimen,” said Paul Hunter, professor of medicine at…

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Corona lowers global life expectancy

From 1950 to 2019, human life expectancy has steadily increased each year. But the corona pandemic is putting an end to that. On average, humanity loses two years of life to the coronavirus. In some countries, the figure is much higher. For the first time since 1950, the Corona pandemic has caused a decline in the global life expectancy of humanity. According to calculations by Patrick Heuveline of the California Center for Population Research in Los Angeles, that’s published in the journal Population and Development Review. According to the report,…

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WHO: Trend is towards milder covid progression

The World Health Organisation (WHO) currently expects coronavirus infections to lead to milder disease courses. According to the current state of knowledge, this is the most likely scenario, said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva. Mild covid courses likely despite mutations The severity of the covid disease is likely to continue to decline despite further viral mutations, he said, as the population’s immunity increases through vaccination and infection. In this scenario, according to the WHO, there may still be repeated increases in the number of infections if the immunity…

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Caution! Do not open these emails under any circumstances

A new wave of fraudulent correspondence and emails sent in the name of the police and other authorities are currently circulating. Recently, reports of allegedly official letters have been piling up in Styria. Unknown perpetrators are sending messages to random people using different email addresses. Via attached PDF documents, the persons are subsequently informed that they have committed a judicial offense or have to comply with a summons to the police. Original logos of the police, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Criminal Police Offices (Austria and Germany),…

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Questions and Answers: PCR testing in Vienna: how it works from 1 April 2022?

After the recent Corona regulation around restrictions on PCR tests, there is some confusion among the population. To remedy the situation: Here is the FAQ on all the rules that will apply to testing in Vienna from 1 April 2022. “Alles gurgelt” and test roads remain  Regulation on free Corona tests Anyone who lives in Vienna and has been used to regularly taking a prophylactic gargle test as part of “Alles gurgelt” to minimize their risk will have to change from 1 April 2022. The offer will no longer be…

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456,000 vaccination certificates not refreshed, 600,000 soon invalid

Four hundred fifty-six thousand people in Austria have let the validity of their CoV vaccination certificates expire and have not had another vaccination. 600,000 “green passports” will also expire in the coming months, should no recovery or further immunization be added for those affected, the Ministry of Health announced today. There is no solution yet for expiring booster vaccinations without a recommendation for a fourth vaccination. So far, 185 basic immunizations – certificates of triple-vaccinated or recovered and then double-vaccinated – have expired. The booster campaign had a big start…

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