Corona vaccine coverage down 40 percent because of delta variant

Researchers from California have found in a new study that Corona vaccine protection is increasingly declining due to mutations such as the delta variant. As a result, the effectiveness of vaccinations is said to have dropped by nearly 40 percent in the past year. The findings were published in the journal Science. Efficacy of Johnson & Johnson plummetedThe study shows above all that the effectiveness of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has declined sharply. With this variant, only one vaccine dose is needed for immunization. For example, the researchers found…

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UN: Significantly more people at risk of hunger worldwide

The number of people threatened by hunger worldwide has increased significantly this year, according to the UN. Whereas at the beginning of the year 42 million people were counted as being threatened by hunger, the figure has now risen to 45 million, according to the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) in Rome. The additional people at risk of hunger were registered mainly in Afghanistan, the WFP added. “Tens of millions of people are staring into the abyss. Conflict, climate change and Covid-19 are causing the number of hungry people…

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USA opens border to vaccinated travelers from Nov. 8

Europeans have been unable to fly to the U.S. for more than a year and a half due to the Corona pandemic. On Monday, however, the country reopened its borders to vaccinated guests. Below is an overview of the new rules. Who is allowed to enter the USA?Adults who want to fly to the U.S. must be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus and provide proof of this before departure. A negative corona test no more than three days old must also be shown at the airport. Airline passengers must also…

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Austria prepares for impending blackout: exercise on November 12, 2021

A blackout exercise will take place on November 12, involving several states and ministries. The scenario of a blackout is not unlikely in Austria. It is increasingly becoming a topic of conversation. Many people are already thinking about it and taking full precautions. As a reminder, a blackout is a prolonged, widespread power failure. It can affect several countries at the same time – and the effects can be far-reaching. To prepare for an emergency, the “Energy 21” blackout exercise will be held on November 12. Several federal states and…

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Immunization rate in Austria lower than expected

Experts around simulation researcher Niki Popper estimate that the immunization rate in Austria is only 61 percent. The reason for this is that some people have not been able to build up protection against Covid-19 despite being vaccinated or infected.In its current “Model-Based Estimation of the Immunization Level in Austria,” the team led by simulation researcher Niki Popper assumes that about 61 percent of the total population is currently actually immunized against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This depresses the effective replication number by 52 percent. Away from the approximately 50,000 active…

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Pfizer drug: High efficacy in test

An interim analysis of test results showed that the drug, called paxlovid, reduced the risk of hospitalizations and deaths by 89 percent in Covid 19 patients, Pfizer announced Friday. That was true for treatments within three days of the first Covid 19 symptoms, it said, adding that similar values were seen for treatments within five days. To be filed soonPfizer spoke of the “overwhelming efficacy” these results showed. The company now plans to submit the data for emergency approval to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as soon as…

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UN Climate Change Conference: 100 countries want to stop deforestation by 2030

An end to deforestation is to be put in place by 2030, more than 100 countries pledged at the climate summit in Glasgow. Among them is Brazil with President Bolsonaro. Environmentalists have a clear opinion on the new pledge. At the world climate summit in Glasgow, more than 100 countries pledged to stop the destruction of forests and other landscapes by 2030. The British government, which is chairing the UN conference, made the announcement late Monday night. Climate activists criticized the target date as too late. The countries involved, including…

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Corona vaccination: Should we wait for the inactivated vaccines?

What exactly are dead vaccines and how do they work? In general, there are different types of vaccines that work in different ways: Whole-virus vaccines – which include live and dead vaccines – vector vaccines, gene-based vaccines (mRNA or DNA vaccines), and protein-based vaccines (which are sometimes counted as a subset of dead vaccines, but they contain only selected viral proteins). Related to Covid-19, four vaccines are licensed in Europe, of which two are vector vaccines (Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson) and two are mRNA vaccines (Biontech and Moderna). A…

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British study shows: Vaccinated people can be so infectious

A Corona vaccination should not only protect against infection, for a long time experts hoped that vaccinated people would also pass on the virus less. A study now shows that despite full vaccination protection, people with breakthrough infections have a peak viral load similar to that of unvaccinated people and can effectively transmit the virus – even to fully vaccinated contacts. This is reported by Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland and refers to a study from Great Britain, which was published in the journal “The Lancet Infectious Diseases”. In it, 602 contact persons…

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