Study with 100,000 samples: Vaccinated have significantly lower risk of infection

Researchers examined nearly 100,000 samples from English study participants and determined that the risk of infection is three times lower in fully vaccinated individuals than in unvaccinated individuals. The risk of infection is also lower. People fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have a significantly lower risk of contracting the coronavirus than unvaccinated people, according to a British study. According to the study published Wednesday, the likelihood of a vaccinated person testing positive for the coronavirus is one-third compared with unvaccinated people. A corona-infected person with full vaccine protection was also less…

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Johns Hopkins: More than 200 million infections worldwide

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of infections detected worldwide has risen to more than 200 million. This was revealed yesterday by data from the US University Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. The number of known infections has thus risen by 100 million in just over six months, since January 26. The number of confirmed deaths worldwide following CoV infection now stands at 4.25 million – twice as many as at the end of January. Experts believe both infections and deaths worldwide are higher than that. The university’s…

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Travel tips for your summer vacation 2021: New rules daily for tests, vaccinations, borders

EU certificates, curfews, entry forms: Whoever goes on vacation has to reckon with constantly changing rules, depending on the country. Travel tips for your summer vacation 2021Spain: Regions decide on restrictions themselves – in Mallorca, for example, there are nighttime curfews. No certificate is required for entry from Austria, but airlines can demand one. Attention: As of Tuesday, returnees from the Netherlands, Spain, Cyprus need proof of vaccination, recovery or PCR test at Austria’s airports – otherwise the latter must be carried out “immediately”. Croatia: For entry, it needs since…

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60 million Corona cases now detected in Europe

More than 60 million infections with the coronavirus have now been detected in Europe since the start of the CoV pandemic. This means that the European Region accounts for about 30 percent of all cases reported worldwide to date, according to the latest figures released today by the World Health Organization (WHO). As a result, the WHO Regional Office for Europe called for more efforts to make faster and more balanced progress in vaccinating against CoV. It is important that countries continue their efforts to protect the most vulnerable people…

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“Laughter is the best medicine” – is it really true?

Some say laughter is the best medicine. That’s not entirely true, but it is said to be very healthy. In an interview, an expert explains what the positive effects of laughter are all about. “A day without laughter is a lost day,” the proverb says. Because whether during a good comedy on TV or when someone tells a funny joke: Laughter is good for you – and it’s said to have a positive effect on the body and mind, making it healthy. Why is it healthy to laugh?When we laugh…

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Cross-vaccination stronger than twice vaccination with AstraZeneca

The combination of a vaccination with AstraZeneca and from Biontech/Pfizer is more effective than vaccination with AstraZeneca alone, according to a study. Scientists at the Technical University of Munich, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Erlangen University Hospital and Cologne University Hospital examined the immune response in a retrospective study that appeared in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases. According to the researchers, this involved analyzing the blood of around 500 volunteers who had received a second vaccination with the mRNA vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer eight to twelve weeks after their first vaccination with…

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What kind of rice is the healthiest?

There are countless varieties of rice around the world. We are presenting 7 very common varieties in terms of their nutritional content. For a large part of the world’s population, rice is on the menu every day. In many Euriopean countries, rice has to share its place with pasta, potatoes and bread. Since rice is a gluten-free food and very digestible to boot, the side dish is actually the ideal candidate for some variety on the plate. Parboiled, basmati, wild rice and co. – which rice is actually particularly healthy?…

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Corona death toll reported to WHO rises sharply

The number of reported Covid 19 deaths worldwide has risen sharply in one week, by 21 percent to 69,000 in seven days, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported Wednesday in Geneva. The WHO refers to government figures for the week of July 19-25. A total of more than four million people worldwide have died so far after being infected, it said. Experts point out that not all people who die after being infected with the coronavirus from Covid-19 are reported. On the other hand, some who died had serious pre-existing…

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Mandatory PCR testing at airports from August 3

Starting next Tuesday (August 3), travelers returning to Austria and vacationers from the Netherlands, Spain or Cyprus will have to carry proof of their full immunity or a negative PCR test result at Austrian airports when entering the country. Travelers without such proof must register and take a PCR test at the airport “without delay,” according to the amendment to the entry regulation published Thursday night. However, people who can provide a medical certificate stating that they have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 within the past 90 days will also be…

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