More than 50 million Corona cases in Europe since pandemic began

In Europe, more than 50 million people have been infected with the novel pathogen since the start of the Corona pandemic. A total of 50,021,615 infections had been recorded in the continent’s 52 countries and territories, including Russia, by Wednesday evening, AFP news agency calculated based on official figures. This represents about one-third of the world’s detected Corona cases. A good 1.38 million new infections were reported across Europe in the past seven days. More than 1.06 million infected people have died in Europe since the pandemic began. Several countries…

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Corona mutation from India reaches Europe

The number of infections in Indian megacities is exploding. Researchers fear that this is due to a new corona mutation that has now reached Europe. How dangerous is B.1.617? India is home to more than a billion people. So far, the country has coped quite well with the corona crisis – even though millions of people live in megacities under precarious conditions and in cramped spaces. But since this week, infection rates have exploded in New Delhi and Mumbai, the country’s two largest cities: On Thursday, 200,000 people contracted the…

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FROM WHEN, HOW LONG AND AGAINST WHAT IT IS EFFECTIVE – How good is the protection after the Corona vaccination?

More contact and no exit restrictions: Calls for relaxation for vaccinated people are growing louder. But what protection does a Covid 19 vaccination even offer? All four Covid-19 vaccines approved so far in Europe are equally effective at protecting individuals and containing the pandemic, according to authorities and experts. They are believed to prevent much of the severe and potentially fatal disease. But exactly how good is the protection after Corona vaccination?Which Corona vaccine protects well against the virus?Depending on the vaccine, the likelihood of contracting Covid-19 decreases significantly in…

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WHO: No one knows how dangerous the Indian Corona variant is

World Health organization is monitoring the Indian virus variant but has not yet classified it as a concern, a WHO spokeswoman said in response to a request for comment in Geneva on Monday. So far, it is not clear to what extent the variant is partly responsible for the rapid increase in cases in India, she said. There are many factors that could have contributed, she said. For example, festivals and events with large numbers of participants have taken place recently, it said. In addition, B.1.617 is spreading alongside other…

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Cleaning enlarges the brain

If you haven’t done it yet, you should definitely make time in your schedule for your annual spring cleaning. Because the reward is not only a clean, hygienic and tidy home, but also a more voluminous brain. This is the conclusion of a recent study from Canada. If that’s not motivation to clean: housework increases the gray matter in the brain. “Science already knew that exercise has a positive effect on the brain, but our study is the first to show that the same could be true for housework,” summarizes…

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One billion Corona vaccine doses administered worldwide

About five months after the first Corona vaccination programs began, the number of doses administered has surpassed one billion. According to a count by the AFP news agency based on official data, just over 1.002 billion syringes of Corona vaccine had been injected worldwide by Saturday evening. More than half of these are in the three countries of the United States, China and India. In terms of population, Israel is in the lead, with nearly one in six already vaccinated. It is followed by the United Arab Emirates with 51…

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Commentary: New COVID 19 variants could block the dream of herd immunity

The third Corona wave is rolling over Europe. Vaccinations are supposed to quickly immunize people and thus finally stop the pandemic. But a new study shows: The new virus variants could shatter the dream of herd immunity in the near future. “Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate” – this is the battle cry of all European countries in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Experts and politicians now agree that the third wave currently sweeping the continent can only be stopped by tough measures – and by immunizing the population. Herd immunity through…

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Corona measures and opening steps in Austria’s neighboring countries

Relaxations have already taken place in almost all of Austria’s neighboring countries.After strict Corona measures and the lockdown in the east of the country, Austria wants to dare to take opening steps again from mid-May. What about Austria’s neighboring countries? GermanyA “Corona emergency brake” was passed,wherein uniform regulations for a lockdown apply from a seven-day incidence of 100. If that limit is exceeded, extensive curfew restrictions would take effect at night. A halt to face-to-face classes and the closure of retail, cultural and leisure facilities are also then envisaged. At…

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Even first vaccine dose reduces risk of infection by 65 percent

Even the first Corona vaccine dose reduces the risk of infection by 65 percent – regardless of the vaccine. Even the first dose of vaccine reduces the risk of infection with corona virus by about two-thirds. This is the result of a large-scale study by Oxford University in cooperation with the British statistics authority ONS and the country’s Ministry of Health. Regardless of the vaccine – Biontech/Pfizer or AstraZeneca – the risk of coronavirus infection dropped by 65 percent three weeks after vaccination, according to the university on Friday. Biontech/Pfizer…

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