Study: Fewer infections after Biontech/Pfizer vaccination

The Biontec/Pfizer vaccine also prevents infection with coronavirus, according to an analysis of British data. The risk of infection is likely to fall by about 70 percent after the first of the two doses provided, and by about 85 percent after the second, Public Health England announced yesterday, citing preliminary data not yet reviewed by independent experts. “This suggests that the vaccine may also help to interrupt transmission of the virus, because you can’t pass it on if you’re not infected,” the statement said. The reported levels stem from the…

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Long-Covid: Corona long-term effects are underestimated

Those who had covid-19 may suffer symptoms for months after the disease has subsided. Experts warn that the long-term consequences are still drastically underestimated. Because Covid-19 is a disease of the entire vascular and immune system, a wide variety of symptoms can linger or reappear anywhere in the body. Even hair loss can be a consequence of Covid-19, as some sufferers develop autoantibodies against their own hair roots. Long Covid: An underestimated problemChinese studies from the first wave of the Corona pandemic show that of patients previously treated in clinics,…

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Protection against credit card fraud on the Internet

It happens again and again: Unexplained credit card charges appear on the bank statement. Often, such transactions are the result of fraudulent activities, explain consumer protection experts. It is not uncommon for those affected to fall victim to so-called phishing e-mails. Scammers use fake e-mails to ask their victims to click on a link in the message and then enter certain data on a form. Required bank or credit card details are requested, which are then used for fraudulent purposes. Therefore, it is important to check account statements regularly. Unauthorized…

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New corona cases down 16 percent worldwide last week

The number of new Corona infections reported worldwide dropped 16 percent last week to 2.7 million. The number of reported deaths also fell within a week, by 10 percent to 81,000, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced Tuesday evening in Geneva, based on Sunday’s figures. Five of six WHO regions saw double-digit percentage declines in new corona cases, with only the eastern Mediterranean seeing a seven percent increase. In Africa and the Western Pacific, the number of cases decreased by 20 percent last week, in Europe by 18 percent, in…

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Corona study: high infection risk can be in offices, supermarkets, fitness centers, etc.

Researchers at the Technical University of Berlin have published calculations of the risk of infection for various indoor scenarios: from hairdressers and supermarkets to movie theaters and gyms. “The point is that we are now entering the loosening phases,” said study leader Martin Kriegel. Multiple influencing factors taken into accountIn the calculations, which were not peer-reviewed by independent experts and have not been published in a journal, Kriegel and his TU colleague Anne Hartmann focus on common places such as theaters, restaurants and schools. Influencing factors taken into account are…

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How and why does a virus mutate?

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is mutating, and currently two variants in particular are being closely watched around the world: The British (B.1.1.7) and South African (B.1.351) variants. They are said to be significantly more contagious, and concerns are repeatedly expressed that vaccines may no longer be effective against certain mutations. It is perfectly normal for viruses to mutate. We asked exactly why this happens. How do viruses reproduce?Before you can understand mutation, you first have to understand how viruses replicate. “A virus, unlike bacteria, is not able to reproduce on its…

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Virtual Panel Discussion on the “CoViD-19 Vaccination Dilemma”

European Network of Filipino Diaspora Austria (ENFiD-Austria) organized a virtual panel discussion on “CoViD-19 Vaccination Dilemma on 28 January 2021 via zoom. Vienna, 28 January 2021 – In an act of unity, CoViD-19 vaccination started across the European Union on 27 December 2020. Yet, to date many are still in a dilemma as to whether to be or not to be vaccinated. Therefore, the European Network of Filipino Diaspora Austria (ENFiD-Austria) organized a virtual panel discussion on “CoViD-19 Vaccination Dilemma on 28 January 2021 via zoom. Chairperson, Ms Maria Zelda…

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Valentine’s Day: Austrians are particularly generous this year

Despite Corona, Austrians are more generous on Valentine’s Day than last year. On average, 72 euros per capita are spent on gifts. The trade is pleased.Valentine’s Day 2021 is just around the corner. Many Austrians are planning to surprise their loved ones with Valentine’s Day gifts this year as well. Together with Mindtake Research and, the trade association has analyzed facts and figures on buying behavior in times of the Corona pandemic. Flowers most popular as a gift for Valentine’s Day“On average, 72 euros per capita will be spent…

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Survey shows: around 45 percent want to be vaccinated against Covid-19

An online survey showed that about 45 percent of respondents will get vaccinated against Covid-19. About 42 percent do not expect to return to normal until 2022. About 45 percent of respondents in an online survey will get vaccinated against Covid-19 either on their own initiative or for professional reasons. The survey, conducted over the past three weeks by psychologists at the University of Salzburg, involved 3,606 people across Austria, study initiator Manuel Schabus told APA. About 42 percent do not expect a return to normality until 2022. “Expression of…

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