Austrians start new year happy and optimistic despite the current situation

Linz – It was already clear to the pollsters at the Linz-based Market Research Institute that climate change would not be top of mind at the turn of the year 2020/21 when they launched the latest survey. A year ago, concern about whether effective measures against climate change would be taken was still at the top of the list of worries among female Austrians (43 percent expressed great concern) and male Austrians (38 percent). “It was clear that this concern is overridden by Corona, however, today 39 percent of women…

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2021 brings many changes

Austria – The new year will be different – also and especially when it comes to the pandemic. Vaccination will bring life closer to the way it used to be, even if the virus will remain part of everyday life. But there will also be changes at work, in pensions, in the health sector and at school. Mobility in Austria could also change this year. With the start of vaccination in retirement and nursing homes still in the old year, the circle of vaccinees will gradually expand in 2021. During…

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Worldwide restrained New Year’s Eve celebrations due to Corona crisis

The start of 2021 worldwide was a different New Year’s Eve than usual because of the Corona pandemic. As usual, Sydney in Australia did start the new year with a colorful fireworks display in front of the Opera House, but this time no spectators were allowed. The situation was similar in New York’s Times Square. The European countries also celebrated the end of the year in a rather restrained manner. Parties and fireworks were canceled, naturally also the Vienna New Year’s Eve path. The fireworks at Sydney Harbour and Opera…

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Virologist Krammer believes in vaccination protection for several years

Florian Krammer, a Styrian virologist working at New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital, believes that protection after vaccination against coronavirus lasts for several years. To be sure, Krammer says there are no established facts yet. “But from the antibody response that is seen now and the data that is available so far, that is over four months, I assume once that the protection from the vaccination already lasts for several years,” he said in an interview. Protects the lungsThe vaccines would protect the lungs and thus protect them very well from…

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New details on Austria’s vaccination strategy announced

On Sunday, 27. December 2020 marked the start of Corona vaccinations in Austria. Three retirees (83 to 93 years old) with pre-existing conditions who volunteered made the start. The fourth and fifth to be vaccinated were the head of the Covid ward at Vienna General Hospital and the head nurse at the retirement home in Maria Enzersdorf, Lower Austria. 9,750 doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine were received by Austria at the outset. In addition to Vienna, the symbolic first vaccinations were also carried out in all other federal provinces with…

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Good to know: Which public holidays will extend your vacation in 2021?

Several public holidays fall on a weekend in the coming year, but with a little planning you can still extend your vacation by a few days. How this works best, read here. Many hopes are pinned on the year 2021. Among other things, after the Corona year, many probably long for a journey without complications and restrictions. To what extent this will be possible is still written in the stars. However, it is certain that the valuable vacation days give more properly used. Several holidays fall in the upcoming year…

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Good to know: Covid 19 vaccine can have these side effects

Pain at the injection part was the most common. Fatigue or headaches could also be side effects of the Covid 19 vaccination. This is according to a study on the vaccine tests conducted by the Mainz-based company Biontech and the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer. People must be prepared for the side effects common with vaccinations, even after a prick against the coronavirus. Fatigue, headaches, pain at the injection part – people must be prepared for the possibility of such side effects common with vaccinations, even after a prick against the…

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Corona vaccine has been delivered in Europe – vaccination start at the same time

Shortly before the first Corona vaccinations in the European Union, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is raising hopes for more normality next year. “The vaccinations will help to gradually return to our normal life,” von der Leyen said in a video posted on Twitter on Saturday. Once enough people have been vaccinated, she said, people can begin to travel again, see friends and family and spend the holidays normally. “But until then, we must continue to be cautious.” The first doses of the Corona vaccine, made by Biontech…

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Pope’s blessing “Urbi et Orbi” this year only in a small circle

Pope Francis called for fraternity in times of pandemic in his Urbi et orbi blessing message on Christmas Day. The head of the Catholic Church remembered all people suffering because of the pandemic, as well as in conflict and emergency areas around the globe. Francis delivered his Christmas message and blessing in the Benediction Hall at the Apostolic Palace, rather than from the loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica, as is customary. Risks and dangers of childhood illnessesFrancis urgently called for solidarity toward the most vulnerable, the sick, the unemployed and…

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