Result in 15 Minutes: Covid antigen rapid tests

by Hector Pascua with reports from news agencies and Until the result of a coronavirus test, a so-called PCR test, is available, those affected often have to be patient. Since the laboratories are overloaded, this can currently take up to three days or even longer. In view of the forthcoming flu season, it would be important to know as soon as possible whether a person is suffering from Covid-19 or influenza. This could be remedied by new rapid antigen tests that provide results within 15 minutes.The PCR test procedures…

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Ten-person limit, no parties and almost everywhere masks: which rules apply now

by Hector Pascua, with reports from and Since September 21, the corona rules have been tightened again throughout Austria. Especially affected are events and festivals. After a relatively relaxed summer, it was probably only a matter of time before it became stricter again. Since Monday, 21.09., stricter corona measures are again in effect throughout Austria. Especially private gatherings and events are being restricted again. An overview of what is now allowed – and what not: Daily life, family, social affairs: It is always allowed to go out of…

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Trafficker report: Corona slows down illegal entry

The Corona crisis has temporarily reduced the number of illegal immigrants. Since July, however, their number has been rising again, said Minister of the Interior Karl Nehammer on the occasion of the publication of the 2019 Management Report on Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings. Currently, there is a higher migration pressure towards Austria. Nehammer wants to use drones in particular to monitor the borders. While in July and August 2019 there were 3,590 apprehensions, this year there were 4,390, an increase of more than 20 percent. “We will therefore…

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These corona rules are valid starting Monday, 21 September 2020

Already on Thursday the leaders of the Federal government informed the Austrian population about the new measures. In order to prevent a second lockdown, they were necessary. “We know that infections mainly occur indoors, in private contact. What makes people happy is often the site of contagions. Social contacts must now be further restricted throughout Austria,” said Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. On Friday evening the “change of the COVID 19 relaxation regulation” was published. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober thus presented the legal basis for the restrictions, which will come into…

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Corona tests soon also at your family doctor?

18,854 tests have been carried out in Austria in the last 24 hours – bringing the total number to 1,413,965. However: With the 1450 hotline it sometimes takes two to three days to carry out a corona test in a suspected case. In view of this long waiting period, members of the Health Minister’s Expert Council in the Ö1 Morgenjournal demanded that General Practiotioners should also be allowed to offer free corona tests. The Medical Association and the Ministry are basically positive about the proposal. In the Ö1 Mittagsjournal, Medical…

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Germany classifies Vienna as a risk area: What are the consequences?

In view of the high number of new infections, Vienna is now officially considered a corona risk area in Germany. Germany currently defines regions in France, Spain, Belgium, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic and Switzerland as risk areas. Entering Germany from risk areas must have themselves tested for the coronavirus in Germany, unless they can show a negative test result that is no more than 48 hours old. As long as no negative result is available, they have to go into domestic quarantine for two weeks. Austria’s Foreign Minister…

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VIENNA Minister of Education Heinz Faßmann: “Schools and universities remain yellow”.

Despite the conversion of the Corona traffic light to orange in seven districts “the schools remain yellow and the universities likewise”. Minister of Education Heinz Fassmann (ÖVP) emphasized this in a press conference on Tuesday. The recommendation of the traffic light commission was followed here. He said that the occurrence of infections showed that it was “epidemiologically justifiable” to keep the educational institutions open. Originally it had been said that upper secondary schools in “orange” districts could switch to home schooling. Since the start of school, 202 cases of proven…

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Elections to the Vienna City Council and to the District Councils 2020

What you need to know The elections to the Vienna City Council and district councils 2020 will be held on Sunday, 11 October 2020. The 100 members of the Vienna City Council and Vienna Provincial Parliament are elected in the City Council elections. Depending on a district’s total population, the district councils have between 40 and 60 members each. These are elected in the district council elections. Who is entitled to vote in Vienna? Austrian citizens, who had their primary residence in Vienna on the qualifying date (14 July 2020)…

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Traffic light now switches Vienna to orange

Parallel to the tightening of the corona measures, students also returned to their classes in six Austrian states on Monday. A compulsory wearing of masks has been implemented not only in all stores, but also in schools (outside the classroom). As reported, the new rules were introduced nationwide and independently of the much-discussed Corona traffic light. Due to the resulting confusion and the increasing number of new infections, the commission met again on Monday evening. After hours of debate, the commission switched from yellow to orange the capital city of…

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