Far too few people know this: The notch on the fuel cap is your handy helper when refuelling

Almost every driver is familiar with the two indentations on the vehicle’s fuel filler cap. However, only very few know what purpose they serve. If you fill up your car regularly, you will probably have noticed the two indentations on the tank cap. At first glance, their purpose is not obvious. However, the notches can be extremely useful when refuelling. Notches on the fuel filler cap: this is their purposeIn short, these notches allow you to attach the fuel filler cap to the fuel filler flap. You clamp the cap…

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Dangerous mosquitoes are spreading rapidly

A total of 130 locally acquired dengue diseases were registered in the EU, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland in 2023, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC),, based in Solna, Sweden, announced on Tuesday. In 2022, there had only been 71 cases. “Europe is already experiencing climate change, providing more favourable conditions for invasive mosquitoes to spread to previously unaffected areas and infect more people with diseases such as dengue,” said ECDC Director Andrea Ammon at a press conference. Due to climate changeThere is a “link between higher temperatures…

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Is it good to drink beer with ice cubes?

In summer, when the sun is beating mercilessly on our necks, and we seek refuge in the shade, in the bath or in the garden, we like our drinks ice-cold. Whether it’s a spritzer, cola or coffee – drinks are ordered on the rocks. One drink is the exception: beer. Austria’s favorite alcoholic drink is never, really never, served with ice cubes. In theory, you would think that the beer would stay cold for longer, and you would have to down it less quickly (if you wanted to). “Generally speaking,…

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The most common mistakes when cooking rice

Rice is a simple dish, but a lot can go wrong when preparing it. There are a few rules to follow to make rice a success. Can anyone cook rice? As easy as it may be to prepare rice, there are a few mistakes that are often made when cooking rice. If you don’t have a rice stove at home and prefer to cook it the traditional way in a saucepan, there are a few things you should bear in mind. Mistake 1: Not measuring rice and water correctlyOne of…

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Warning about number 015218052664: What’s behind it?

The cell phone number 015218052664 is a fake. Behind it is the virtual network provider Lycamobile, which is particularly popular with spammers and fraudsters. We’ll tell you what the callers want and how you can block the entire network. You see the number 015218052664 on the display, but the call is coming from a call center. This technique is called call ID spoofing. Dialing computers provide fake phone numbers while the actual number of the fraudsters is hidden. Therefore, reporting these calls to the Federal Network Agency is pointless. The…

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Credit card: When is it debited? These are the debit periods

When a credit card is debited, it depends on the card type. Four different types of cards are commonly used in Austria: Charge card as a classic credit card: With this credit card, you receive a credit card statement once a month that collects all transactions. The debit is made promptly with the credit card statement. Revolving card: The revolving card is also a classic credit card where you receive a statement once a month. You decide whether you pay the amount in one lump sum or installments. Debit card:…

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New study shows how many eggs are healthy

High cholesterol: eggs are always blamed for this, but this is not really the case. It depends on several factors before an egg can harm our bodies. Our cells need a certain amount of cholesterol. It is an important component of the membranes. However, if too much cholesterol is deposited, this can lead to health problems. Our body produces 80 percent of cholesterol itself. The rest is taken in with food. We are talking about fat,, which is unavoidable for forming hormones. High cholesterol levels often also affect slim people…

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Prepare broccoli correctly: How to preserve the vitamins

Broccoli is a real powerhouse among vegetables known for its nutrient density. Proper preparation plays a crucial role in how many of the valuable ingredients are retained. According to a report by myHOMEBOOK, there are various methods of preparing broccoli that not only improve the taste but also preserve valuable vitamins and minerals. Steaming broccoli is one of the recommended methods. This is particularly beneficial as it preserves most of the nutrients and the natural color of the vegetable. When steaming, the broccoli is placed in a colander over boiling…

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The Superpowers of lemon water: what’s behind it

Most of us find still or sparkling water too boring. That’s where delicious lemon water comes in handy to make hydration more fun – and it has many health benefits, too! Start the day with lemon waterStart your day with warm lemon water (1/2 liter of warm, no longer hot water and the juice of half a lemon) and drink a glass of mineral, soda or tap water with lemon every now and then during the day. Not only does it taste good, lemon juice also has many positive properties…

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