Coronavirus worldwide: UK offers booster for those over 40, Israel allows Biontech vaccine for children five and older

More than 253 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 5.1 million infected people have died. More than 7.4 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The latest developmentsIn the UK, booster vaccinations against the coronavirus will be offered to everyone over the age of 40 in the future. That was announced by Health Minister Sajid Javid in London on Monday (Nov. 15) following a recommendation to that effect by the National Immunization Commission. The experts also advised that 16- and…

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Biontech/Pfizer’s Corona vaccine can now be given to children aged five to eleven in Israel

Biontech/Pfizer’s Corona vaccine can now be given to children aged five to eleven in Israel. This was decided by the Ministry of Health on Sunday (Nov. 14), after a panel of experts had previously spoken out in favor. The additional doses needed are to be delivered to Israel in the coming days, allowing an immediate start of the vaccination campaign for younger children, the newspaper Haaretz reported. According to the report, only 2 of the 75 experts consulted by the Health Ministry voted against releasing the drug for children five…

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Slovenia considers lockdown for the unvaccinated

Slovenia is apparently considering a “lockdown for the unvaccinated” along the lines of Austria, but is still awaiting a decision from the Constitutional Court in this regard.“Austria has already introduced a drastic restriction for all unvaccinated people. Now we would need to know as soon as possible whether we can also go down this path,” Slovenian head of government Janez Jansa said Monday in parliament in Ljubljana, according to the STA news agency. Croatian president criticizes lockdown for unvaccinatedThe country of two million currently has the European Union’s relatively highest…

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Incidence in Germany at 303

The 7-day incidence in Germany has once again risen to a new high. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week at 303.0 this morning. The previous day, the value was 289.0, a week ago 201.1 (previous month: 68.7). In Austria, the value is almost 850. Health offices in Germany reported 23,607 new CoV infections to the RKI within one day. On Thursday, the number of new infections had reached 50,196, a record high since the beginning of the pandemic. Exactly one…

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Over five million corona infections in Germany

The total number of detected Corona infections in Germany has exceeded the five million mark. German health offices reported 33,498 new Corona infections to the RKI within one day, meaning that 5,021,469 infections have now been recorded since the start of the pandemic. That’s according to figures reflecting the RKI dashboard as of 04:02 a.m. Sunday. The actual total is likely to be far higher, as many infections are not detected. The 33,498 new infections are nearly 10,000 cases more than a week ago Sunday, when 23,543 new infections were…

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Daughter of Philippine President wants to become vice president of the Philippines

Daughter following in father’s footsteps. Sara Duterte aligns herself with former President Gloria Arroyo. Sara Duterte, the daughter of outgoing Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, will run for vice president in the May presidential election. The Southeast Asian country’s Commission on Elections announced Saturday on Facebook that Duterte will replace another candidate in the process. The announcement was made shortly before the Nov. 15 deadline for candidates to file late. The current Davao City mayor had resigned from her regional party on Thursday and joined the party of her ally, former…

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Slovenia changes entry rules

In the future, the current entry rules in Slovenia will affect children as young as 12. This was decided by the government on Thursday. In view of the rising number of new infections, Austria’s neighbor Slovenia has now decided to tighten the rules. There, too, the country has been struggling for some time with ever-increasing incidences. With a 7-day incidence of 1,117.3, Slovenia ranks first among European countries with the highest number of corona infections in the last seven days. Austria (716.3) is also high on this list, ranking fifth.…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Austria nears critical ICU utilization, several countries accelerate booster vaccinations

More than 251 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 5 million infected people have died. About 7.3 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Austria’s intensive care units could reach a critical limit in as little as two weeks because of rising Corona numbers. That’s according to a scientific model calculation commissioned by the Ministry of Health that became public Wednesday (Nov. 10). It assumes that the seven-day incidence will rise to 1000 by Nov. 24. It currently stands at…

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Booster vaccinations in Italy, EU may buy up to 60 million doses of a possible Corona vaccine from French company Valneva

More than 251 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 5 million infected people have died. About 7.3 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Italy plans to offer booster vaccinations against Covid-19 to people between the ages of 40 and 60 starting Dec. 1. “The third dose is absolutely strategic for moving forward in the vaccination campaign,” Health Minister Roberto Speranza said Wednesday (Nov. 10) during a question and answer session at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. The booster…

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