Coronavirus worldwide: tens of thousands of students celebrate in Spain, entry to England made easier for vaccinated people

About 227 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.6 million infected people have died. About 5.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. In the Spanish capital of Madrid, some 25,000 young people celebrated a huge open-air party despite a ban. Social media showed participants dancing and drinking alcohol in open spaces between university buildings in Madrid on Saturday night (9/18), El País newspaper reported. A similar celebration with 8,000 participants was also reported from Barcelona’s Autonomous University campus, according…

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New regulations: More Corona vaccinations in Italy

After Italy became the first country in Europe to decide to make vaccination, negative testing or convalescent detection mandatory for all workers in the private and public sectors, the number of immunizations is growing. According to Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, the government commissioner in charge of the vaccination campaign, a 35 percent increase in bites was reported Saturday compared with the previous week. 40.8 million – or 75.64 percent of Italians over the age of 12 – have been vaccinated. The government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi had decided on Thursday…

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Coronavirus worldwide: tens of thousands of students celebrate in Spain, entry to England made easier for vaccinated people

About 227 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.6 million infected people have died. About 5.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Thousands of students celebrate in Spain In the Spanish capital of Madrid, some 25,000 young people celebrated a huge open-air party despite a ban. Social media showed participants dancing and drinking alcohol in open spaces between university buildings in Madrid on Saturday night (9/18), El País newspaper reported. A similar celebration with 8,000 participants was also reported…

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RKI reports 7337 new infections: 7-day incidence drops near 70 mark

The German states report almost as many nine-infections to the Robert Koch Institute as a week ago. The 7-day incidence, however, decreases by 10 points compared to a week ago. The incidence of hospitalization increases slightly. The 7-day incidence in Germany decreased for the sixth consecutive day. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week at 70.5. For comparison, the previous day the value had been 72.0, and a week ago 80.2. Health offices in Germany reported 7337 new Corona infections to…

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U.S. experts in favor of third-party vaccination for the elderly and at-risk groups

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expert panel recommends booster vaccinations with Biontech/Pfizer’s drug only for the elderly and at-risk groups. The influential group of scientists concluded yesterday, after hours of discussion, that available data did not justify a universal rollout of a third dose of the vaccine to people older than 16. But for seniors over 65 and members of at-risk groups, a third dose would make sense, they said. U.S. President Joe Biden had advocated another dose for anyone whose second vaccination was more than eight months…

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World organizations call for more vaccine doses for poor countries

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have called on countries with high vaccination rates to provide more vaccine supplies to poorer countries. In a joint statement, the organizations said they were concerned that without action, a global vaccination rate of at least 40 percent by the end of 2021 would not be achievable. The group also calls on vaccine manufacturers to prioritize their contracts with COVAX and AVAT, an African distribution program, and to improve transparency by…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Italy introduces compulsory certification in the workplace, 3000 suspensions of unvaccinated people in France

About 226 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.6 million infected people have died. About 5.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The latest developmentsIn Italy, there will be mandatory certification in the workplace in the future. For both private companies and the public sector, only those who can identify themselves as vaccinated, recovered or tested negative will be allowed to work. Employers may suspend wage payments, but may not fire employees without a “green pass.” The new rule…

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Mandatory vaccination in France

France now has compulsory vaccination against the corona virus for certain professional groups. Failure to comply could result in suspension without continued payment of wages. At least the first vaccination must now be given to employees working in hospitals and nursing homes, as well as firefighters, civil defense workers and gendarmerie officers. Those who have previously received only the first vaccination dose must also present a negative test at work until they have full vaccination protection. Employees are explicitly allowed to schedule their vaccination appointments during working hours to facilitate…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Around 3000 people sue the Republic of Austria over the “Ischgl case”, Cuba already wants to vaccinate infants

About 225 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.6 million infected people have died. More than 5.7 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The first of many lawsuits against the Republic of Austria in the Ischgl case begins Friday (Sept. 17). The so-called public liability lawsuit sees a failure on the part of the authorities, who warned about the coronavirus too late and acted too late. It also alleges that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz rashly announced the isolation of several…

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