Solar storm brought northern lights to Austria at the weekend

At the weekend, people in many atypical regions of the world had the opportunity to marvel at auroras in the sky. A massive solar storm ensured the phenomenon could also be seen from Austria on Saturday night—and even partially on Sunday night. In the meantime, the disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field has weakened considerably. It was ‘too little to see anything in Austria’, Tanja Amerstorfer from Geosphere Austria told APA. ‘There are still solar storms on the way,’ emphasised the deputy head of the Space Weather Office of Geosphere…

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Why you should have your air conditioning system checked in spring

In spring, it is advisable to have your air conditioning system checked, advises the ÖAMTC. Naturally, they are not used much in winter—in the case of automatic air conditioning, partly to reduce humidity. But even then, the air conditioning system should not be switched on below minus two or three degrees to prevent the system from freezing and being damaged,’ explains ÖAMTC technician Florian Merker.He advises: ‘To ensure that the cooling performance is guaranteed even in early summer temperatures and to prevent unpleasant odours from spreading, you should take care…

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Filipinos in Austria set to celebrate 126th Philippine Independence Commemoration

Filipinos in Austria await the celebration of Philippine Independence Day, as this year’s programme is set to showcase Filipino culture and heritage through various activities and events. Preparations for the 126th Philippine Independence Day 2024 (PID24) celebration are in full swing as the Council of Filipino Associations in Austria (CFAA)  started planning activities and programmes. This year’s celebration, slated to be held on June 15, 2024, at the Marriott Hotel Vienna, will consist of cultural shows, dance performances, and festivities that showcase the rich heritage of the Philippines. CFAA Chairman…

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Philippines: Idio, Sebaste, Antique – Kindergarten and sponsorship or partnership programme

Education changes the lives of children and their families. Only a good school education can improve the lives of children and their families in the long term. With this approach in mind, we have decided to open a kindergarten in Brgy. Idio, Sebaste, Antique, Philippines. The situation After the COVID-19 epidemic in 2021, we were asked if we could make the unused part of our building in the village available for a kind of kindergarten. Since the building had not been used in the past few years, we decided to…

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Study: Global life expectancy increased by 6.2 years

According to a study, global life expectancy increased by 6.2 years between 1990 and 2021. However, the coronavirus pandemic reduced global life expectancy between 2019 and 2021, researchers from the University of Washington wrote in the journal “The Lancet.” In their study on the global burden of disease, injury, and risk factors, they found that COVID-19 is the second leading cause of death in 2021. In 2019, the leading causes of death were still the same as in 1990. Life expectancy fell during CoV“In descending order, these were: coronary heart…

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Central European Summer Time has begun

Daylight saving time (CEST) began on Sunday night. In Austria, too, the clocks were set to 3.00 a.m. at 2.00 a.m. on the dot, and the night was 60 minutes shorter. The changeover to standard time (CET) will take place on the last weekend in October. It is still unclear what will happen with the abolition of the time changeover in the EU, which has already been decided. The ball is still in the EU Council of Ministers’ court, and the transport ministers are responsible In March 2019, the European…

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Pope celebrates Chrism Mass in St Peter’s Basilica

On Maundy Thursday, Pope Francis celebrated the Chrism Mass in St Peter’s Basilica with priests from the Diocese of Rome and the Vatican Curia. This Mass marks the beginning of the great liturgical celebrations around Easter. During the Mass, holy oils were consecrated, which are used for baptisms, confirmations, anointings of the sick, and ordinations. The Pope, who had recently canceled several appointments due to bronchitis, was pushed to the altar in a wheelchair. In his sermon, he called on the priests to look with love at those who are…

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Comet Pons-Brooks is also visible in Austria

Only every 71 years is there a chance to observe the comet Pons-Brooks in the night sky. With a waning moon and a little luck with the weather, the Easter weekend in Austria is a good time for this. It is difficult with the naked eye, but not impossible. Comet expert Michael Jäger recommends the first 90 minutes after sunset as the observation period. The comet will reach its closest point to the sun on April 21, 2024. Trip to the observatoryIf you don’t want to rely on the naked…

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These foods should not be reheated in the microwave

For many, the motto is: pre-cook, reheat, and save time. In our busy everyday lives, the microwave is often our best friend. But be careful here! Because, as practical as it is to use up leftovers from the previous day, it can also be dangerous. Some foods develop harmful substances in the microwave and can lead to stomach problems. SpinachSpinach should not be reheated again, as spinach contains a lot of nitrate, which turns into harmful nitrite at room temperature. When eaten, carcinogenic nitrosamines can form and lead to nausea,…

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