How to heat more economically without freezing

Dress warmly or pay up: heating costs are rising sharply. But energy can still be saved in most households. Here are a few tips guaranteed not to mean a loss of comfort. The time has come: we turn up the heaters. And with it, our energy costs may rise immeasurably. But we can improve our situation: Almost everyone can save some heating energy without freezing. Some savings measures even increase comfort. Tip 1: Keep radiators free Look around your rooms: Can the heat spread well from the radiators? If curtains…

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Sliced onion against cough: This is what’s behind it

A sliced onion next to the bed is supposed to help against coughs. We tell you whether this is true and for which complaints the natural remedy is also used in this article. Sliced onion for cough – why it can relieve your symptomsPlacing a sliced onion next to your bed at night for a cough is said to help ease discomfort. The onion, which was named a medicinal plant in 2015, is a popular and effective remedy with many uses. Due to the essential oils, onions have an irritating…

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Sleeping with socks: What speaks for and against it

Sleeping with socks or without is probably one of the most common disputes in bed. There are medical reasons for wearing them. However, there are a few things to consider regarding footwear in bed. Sleep with socks – these are the advantagesMany people take it for granted that they sleep with socks. Whether cuddly soft, extra thick or somewhat airy, made of pure cotton – the models are numerous. These are the advantages of socks in bed: Warmth: Socks keep the feet warm. This is important for many people, especially…

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Number of new corona infections on the rise again

The number of new Corona infections and those actively infected is rising again. Authorities say 8,321 new infections were recorded from Friday to Saturday. That’s well above the average of 6,790 cases over the past seven days. The number of active cases increased by 3,835 people to 66,972 in one day. There has also been an increase in the number of patients hospitalized with Corona. According to the latest figures released Friday, 1,034 people are hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2. This is 68 more than the previous day. The number of patients…

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Nomophobia: New clinical picture spreads

Do you suffer from withdrawal symptoms when you leave your cellphone? And can’t you take it out of your hand even when watching TV? Then maybe you have nomophobia. Most of us know that we spend far too much time glued to our digital devices. Especially when we’re working from home, it’s easier to answer a quick email or send a WhatsApp message to a colleague. But this constant stress is not suitable for our bodies. Doctors call nomophobia the new widespread disease of the digital age. What is nomophobia?Nomophobia…

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The “sweet potato” with a growing fan community

The sweet potato is an actual trend food. Not only is it loved in faraway countries, but Europeans are also increasingly enjoying this all-around talent in their everyday cuisine. No wonder it is simply delicious, versatile, and healthy! The sweet potato with the sweet note is one of the seven most important staple foods worldwide. What the potato is for us in this country, the sweet potato means to people in subtropical and tropical countries. The so-called batata (Ipomoea batatas), which incidentally has nothing to do with the conventional potato…

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New Omicron sub-variant BJ.1 has reached Austria

In this week’s meeting on the current Corona situation, the GECKO Commission dealt with a new Omicron subvariant that was detected for the first time in Austria in early September. BJ.1 is a variant of BA.2.10.1 with many additional mutations at the spike protein. The number and location of mutations in BJ.1 indicate strong immune escape properties. The New Omicron variant arrived in Austria“How much BJ.1 can better evade immune protection due to particularly numerous new mutations is currently still unclear,” says virologist Andreas Bergthaler, who is also a member…

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Federal presidential election 2022: How to vote?

On Sunday, October 9, 2022, with 6.3 million eligible voters, the 14th election for Federal President in Austria will take place. And no, we didn’t forget to gender. Who will run in the 2022 federal presidential election?There has never been so much choice – a whole seven men have to be differentiated: Michael Brunner (MFG)Gerald Grosz (independent)Walter Rosenkranz (FPÖ)Heinrich Staudinger (independent)Alexander Van der Bellen (Greens)Tassilo Wallentin (independent)Dominik Wlazny (Beer Party) There were other candidates, but they either failed to collect enough signatures by September 2, 2022, or did not submit…

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7,648 new corona infections on Friday

Sixty-one patients currently require intensive care. On Friday, authorities reported 7,648 new Corona infections and seven deaths. There is also a sharp increase in hospitalized patients. Corona numbers are rising significantly again in Austria. After 8,264 new infections on Wednesday and 7,821 on Thursday, 7,648 new cases were reported on Friday. In addition, there were seven deaths. 973 (+62) infected persons are treated in hospitals on regular wards. 61 (+6) patients require intensive care. 442 intensive care beds availableAfter all, 442 intensive care beds are still available for Corona patients…

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