AK Vienna: tire change with enormously expensive prices 2022

The AK has conducted a price check for the winter tire change 2022. Customers are advised to compare prices and offers so that changing tires in 2022 does not become enormously expensive. Winter tire changes are just around the corner. But the prices for a tire change could become very expensive in 2022. The AK emphasizes that a price check to save money is worthwhile. The Vienna Chamber of Labor has closely examined the prices for changing winter tires and recommends that consumers take the time to do a price…

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More than 15,000 tons of food saved in 2021

More than 15,000 tons of food were saved last year by food banks and social markets. This is equivalent to more than 30 million meals. Every year, private households, gastronomy, trade, production, and agriculture destroy almost one million tons of food for human consumption. The Association of Austrian Food Banks and the SOMA social markets saved more than 15,000 tons of food in 2021, benefiting a good 160,000 people at risk of poverty. That’s more than 30 million meals; the two organizations summed up on Friday. Donations to food banks…

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New USB 4 gets twice as fast, despite old cables

The speed of the USB standard will double. The USB Promoter Group, responsible for this, has announced USB 4 version 2.0. Instead of the previous 40 gigabits per second (Gbps), the new standard will create 80 Gbps. This means that, under ideal conditions, 10 GB files could be transferred in just one second. The unique thing about USB 4 V2.0 is that new cables are not necessarily needed for this speed. USB 4 uses the USB-C port. If you already have a USB-C cable suitable for USB 4 and 40…

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Proper storage: do tomatoes belong in the refrigerator or not?

Which fruits and vegetables go in the refrigerator about it is constantly speculated and discussed. Especially in the case of tomatoes, opinions differ: should you store tomatoes in the fridge or at room temperature? The answer is pretty clear! Because: Tomatoes do not tolerate cold, this applies to the plant and its fruits. This disqualifies the stay in the refrigerator. Because at too cool temperatures, the fruit, which has a reputation as a vegetable, quickly begins to mold. But how to store tomatoes properly? Optimal storageThe optimum temperature for tomatoes…

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“Love makes you blind”: scientists reveal if it’s true

Everyone knows the saying “love makes you blind.” But can the rose-colored glasses with which we see our partner at the beginning of a relationship be scientifically proven? Here you will find the answer. Some say that love makes you blind and that only marriage opens your eyes. Scientists tell us what this is all about and how being in love affects human relationships and the continuation of our species. When we fall in love, it doesn’t just have psychological effects. Our entire organism is affected. And there are good…

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Why the new iPhones are so terribly expensive

iPhones have always been expensive. But now even the cheapest new 14 model costs around 1000 euros because Apple has increased the euro prices heftily. There are probably several reasons for this, one of which might be: The company can afford it. When Tim Cook & Co. announced the prices of the new iPhone 14 series and the other devices presented, the audience initially noted with pleasant surprise that despite the current crises, the prices remained practically unchanged. But then the Euro prices were revealed, and they have remained anything…

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Omicron vaccine, active against Corona subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, has now been approved by the EMA

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Monday approved a Corona vaccine that is also active against Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.EMA granted approval to bivalent omicron vaccineThe Amsterdam-based EMA said the approval of this Biontech/Pfizer vaccine once again expands the vaccine arsenal to protect against covid-19 as fall and winter approach.The vaccine now approved is a so-called bivalent corona vaccine, designed to defend against both the original form of coronavirus and BA.4 and BA.5, the currently dominant subtypes of the omicron variant of coronavirus. On September 1, the EMA had…

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New Club of Rome report: Humanity is not yet lost

Fifty years ago, the Club of Rome pointed out “The Limits to Growth.” In the meantime, the overloading of the Earth predicted at that time has become a reality. In its new report, the research group looks for ways to still achieve a livable future for humanity. Fifty years ago, the Club of Rome thinks tank shook up the world with its report “The Limits to Growth.” It is the most influential publication on the threat of overburdening our planet. If the global economy did not change, the economy, the…

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Police warns: Hang up immediately with this call!

On Sunday, several people from the Villach and Villach-Land area reported to the police that they had been called by apparently false police officers. The calls were mainly made to elderly persons, most of whom appear in the telephone directory and have a landline telephone. Fraudsters inquire about jewelry The callers with a High German accent pretended to be detectives of the Provincial Criminal Police Office and informed the Carinthians called that they had arrested several persons after a burglary. During the person search a note had been found, on…

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