New Corona test: as precise as PCR, but much faster

The new test from China is said to have the accuracy of a PCR test but takes only four minutes to analyze. Chinese scientists say they have developed such a corona test as fast as an antigen test and as accurate as a PCR test. The researchers from Fudan University in Shanghai presented their sensor on Monday in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering. According to the paper, the method involves microelectronically examining genetic material on test sticks and obtaining an accurate result within a few minutes. The scientists assured that…

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Omicron: A booster for boostered people

Despite triple vaccination, many people are currently infected with omicron. Official data show that they are well protected against severe infections. Experts hope that the breakthrough infections could act as a booster for boostered people and help contain the pandemic in the long term. Some questions about that remain, however. Cold symptoms, headache, aching limbs, fever in some cases – even triple-vaccinated people are not immune to a noticeable omicron infection. There are two reasons why more breakthrough infections are being recorded at the moment. First is the high incidence…

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No need to fear omicron: these EU countries are easing Corona measures

Omicron has now lost its terror for many. Despite high case numbers, many countries in Europe are venturing back to normal. The 2G rule falls in February. Sweden abolishes almost all Corona rules The Czech Republic abolishes Corona passesWhen Omicron began its conquering march, many countries resorted to harsh measures to keep the highly contagious variant of the coronavirus at bay. Some brashly, others in cautious clumsy steps. Once again, the Scandinavians are at the forefront. No fear of omicron: These EU countries are easing corona measures.“Celebrate as if it’s…

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500,000 Covid deaths since Omicron emergence

WHO experts warn “virus remains dangerous.” According to data released Tuesday by the World Health Organization (WHO), half a million people worldwide have died from covid since the first warnings about the highly contagious Omicron variant of the Coronavirus in late November, according to WHO representative Abdi Mahamud. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO expert in charge of Corona, said, “We are still in the middle of the pandemic.” She said many countries had not yet passed the peak of the Omikron wave, which had displaced the previously prevalent Delta variant.…

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Wednesday: Over 38,000 new infections in Austria

From Tuesday to Wednesday, 38,309 new infections were registered in Austria. This is again above the average of 32,677 over the past seven days. Currently, 345,603 people in Austria are actively infected with the coronavirus. The seven-day incidence is 2,569.82. In the past 24 hours, 440,011 new PCR tests were performed. This results in a positive rate of 6.90 percent. There are also 22 new deaths associated with Covid-19 infection to report. Thus, the pandemic has claimed 14,293 lives in Austria so far. Currently, 2,056 patients are being treated in…

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Food worth 1.4 billion euros burned in Austria

Alarming Greenpeace tally: 1.4 billion euros worth of food in Austrian incinerators each year. 1.5 million tons of CO2 are likewise senselessly caused for their production each year. This resulted from the current research of Greenpeace’s environmental protection organization, which was published on Tuesday. The greenhouse gases emitted in this way reached around half of the amount emitted by Austrian air traffic before the pandemic. Sebastian Theissing-Matei, the agricultural expert at Greenpeace in Austria, speaks in this context of an “everyday madness of food waste,” which also shows an enormous…

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WHO lacks $16 billion for poorer countries

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 16 billion dollars (about 14 billion euros) are still needed this year to support poorer countries in the fight against CoV. The WHO put the size of the gap in the budget for supplying such countries with vaccines, tests, and medicines last night in Geneva. The money is to flow into a program launched by the United Nations. It said that that could create a pool of 600 million vaccine doses, buy 700 million tests, and provide treatment for 120 million patients. “Science…

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Government opens further: 2G rule at body-related services

Despite the current peak of the omicron wave, the government continues to take opening steps. In addition to the already-known relaxations starting next Saturday, such as dropping the 2G rule in stores and museums, the government announced in a release Tuesday that the 2G rule in body-related services will also drop starting February 12. In addition, there will no longer be a person cap at events, but people must still be vaccinated or recovered here. This means that you do not necessarily need a vaccination or recovery certificate to visit…

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Unrecorded cases: one in five unvaccinated people is infected

21.7 percent of the unvaccinated and officially unrecovered have contracted Corona at some point after all. That corresponded to about 400,000 people at the beginning of January, the health ministry said of a recent Covid 19 dark figure study released Tuesday. It involved testing a representative portion of the population for antibodies to the coronavirus to get a more accurate picture of previously acquired immunity.1,200 blood samples.Between Nov. 30, 2021, and Jan. 13, 2022, about 1,200 blood samples were analyzed by Statistics Austria in cooperation with the Medical University of…

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