40 percent of all food ends up in the trash

Instead of the previously estimated 33 percent, 40 percent of the food produced worldwide does not find its way to consumers but ends up in the garbage can, according to a study published Tuesday by the environmental organization World Wildlife Fund (WWF). That equates to 2.5 billion tons of waste generated in agriculture, industry and by consumers. This has a devastating impact on the environment. Food waste supports global warmingFood waste is responsible for ten percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the study. Calculating new figures from the…

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More than 450 corona cases after huge increase 

Because of the Delta variant, new tightenings came into force on Thursday, and more are already being discussed. This is the situation at the moment. For two weeks, the number of new infections in Austria has been increasing almost daily. On Wednesday (July 21), 431 new Corona cases were reported nationwide. On Tuesday there were 316, on Monday 263, on Sunday 323, on Saturday 411, on Friday 341 and on Thursday exactly one week ago 306. As of 9:30 a.m. yesterday (Thursday, July 22), 452 new Corona cases have been…

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EMA decides on further Corona vaccine for children

The EU’s Medicines Agency (EMA) is set to make a preliminary decision on whether to approve another Corona vaccine for children. The agency’s experts will discuss Friday whether to approve the vaccine, made by U.S. manufacturer Moderna, for 12- to 17-year-olds as well. The assessment of studies by the manufacturer should be completed, the EMA said in Amsterdam. If the experts give the green light, only the EU Commission would have to approve. That is considered a formality. The preparation “Spikevax” would then be the second Corona vaccine that may…

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Vienna vaccinates at Stadionbad

On Friday, a vaccination box opens at the Vienna Stadionbad. It is planned for the duration of the bathing season. There is no need to register.Vienna is opening its next vaccination box. It will start tomorrow, Friday, at the Stadionbad (corner Praterallee), as City Hall announced on Thursday. There will be free and without registration vaccinations with the vaccine of Johnson & Johnson or for people under 18 years with the vaccine of Biontech/Pfizer administered. The offer is to continue throughout the entire bathing season.Several vaccination campaigns in ViennaAfter the…

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Travel – responsible for one-third of new infections

According to AGES, new infections attributable to travel are on the rise in Austria. About one-third of infections can be attributed to travel. In Vienna, travel is responsible for only one in five infections. Travel now accounts for almost one third of all new coronavirus infections. This is shown – with reference to calendar week 27 (July 5 to 11) – by a look at the latest epidemiological clarification of the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). According to this, 31.1 percent of all clarified cases could be traced…

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Delta variant continues to gain ground in Austria

According to current data from AGES, the proportion of Corona infections with the delta variant in Austria is already 43 percent. Most cases were detected in Vienna. The so-called delta variant of the coronavirus, which was first detected in the Indian state of Maharashtra, continues to advance in Austria. Meanwhile, about 43 percent of the 2,190 sequenced samples in calendar week 28 are responsible for this mutation. This is shown by the latest variant report of the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). This amounts to 942 cases Austria-wide…

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Study: Double vaccinations effective against Delta

A British study confirms high efficacy of BioNTech/Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines against the Delta variant of coronavirus. Two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer or AstraZeneca are almost as effective against the highly transmissible delta variant of the coronavirus as against the previously dominant alpha variant, according to the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. According to the study, two vaccinations with BioNTech/Pfizer are 88 percent effective in preventing symptomatic disease from the delta variant, compared with 93.7 percent against the alpha variant. Dual vaccination with…

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NIGHT GASTRO AND MASKS The new rules at a glance

After the extensive relaxations of July 1, the next changes to the coronavirus measures are in effect as of today, July 22. These include a tightening in night gastronomy, but also the end of mandatory masks in many stores (except supermarkets, pharmacies, etc.), museums and libraries in all provinces except Vienna. Below is an overview of the current nationwide regulation – along with references to the additional measures enacted by the federal states. Night catering/gastronomyAccess to night catering is now only possible for vaccinated persons and persons with a current…

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Pharmacies to offer free PCR tests

Pharmacies will soon offer free PCR tests, which will be mandatory from Thursday for non-vaccinated people, for example in night gastronomy. This was announced by Apothekerkammer President Ulrike Mursch-Edlmayr in an interview published by the Austria Press Agency (APA). She said that this had already been agreed with the Ministry of Health and the social insurance companies. In the Chamber of Pharmacists, this offer is still blessed on Wednesday by the Presidium. The tests will be offered in all pharmacies throughout Austria, which currently already perform the antigen tests. However,…

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