Over 300 new infections: Age structure of the new infections

332 new infections within 24 hours. This is the first time the numbers have been above 300 since early June. After a small dip, the numbers are rising significantly again, and there’s a reason for that. In terms of infection, about a quarter of the infections are due to travelers returning home , as an analysis by AGES shows. And the age structure also shows a clear picture: The age group between 15 and 24 years increases significantly compared to the other age groups. Since the beginning of July, the…

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Lower Austria: 37 new corona falls with delta variation

On Wednesday, 37 new Corona infections with the Delta variant were added in Lower Austria. A total of 226 people have contracted the particularly contagious mutant so far. According to the office of provincial councilor Ulrike Königsberger-Ludwig (SPÖ), the 37 cases include three travelers returning from Spain; in addition, one person who tested positive had previously stayed in the Czech Republic and Croatia, respectively. Four affected persons were fully immunized, ten received a vaccination dose. The average age of those infected decreased slightly to 29.46 years. Furthermore, no person infected…

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54,000 cases: Indonesia as “global center” of the pandemic

Health authorities in Indonesia today reported more than 54,000 new coronavirus infections within 24 hours – the highest number since the pandemic began. A month ago, the number was less than 10,000, making the Southeast Asian island nation now “the global center” of the pandemic, the Jakarta Globe reported. Indonesia has now overtaken India, where the numbers are declining and around 38,000 new cases were recently confirmed. Delta variant on the riseThe capital Jakarta on the main island of Java has been particularly badly affected. The government had already imposed…

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Appeal for vaccination to those under 35 years of age

Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) today issued an appeal for vaccination to those under 35 years of age. The current infection figures prove “that due to the vaccination progress there has been a massive shift in the incidence of infection from the higher age groups, which are particularly at risk, to younger age groups,” they said in a statement. According to the latest report by the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), the proportion of “new infections in the past seven days among…

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Travel causes Corona numbers to rise: 332 new infections in Austria

Coronavirus numbers continue to rise. After new infection numbers topped 200 cases for the first time in a month on Tuesday, as many as 300 new infections were reported on Wednesday. In absolute terms, the numbers were highest in Vienna with 109 new cases, but in Burgenland there was not a single new infection in the past 24 hours. Burgenland 0 Carinthia 50 Lower Austria 51 Upper Austria 39 Salzburg 18 Styria 32 Tyrol 23 Vorarlberg 10 Vienna 109 There was no large increase in the number of people being…

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Safe travel despite corona pandemic

The virus can’t stop our vacation lust this year. With common sense and minimum hygienic standards, traveling is possible again. But it takes a little more preparation – what you need to pay attention to:▶Entry requirements:Many states have recently issued relaxations. Travel is easier, especially within the EU. The member countries have agreed on a common approach and a color code for classifying regions – depending on the epidemiological situation.Caution:However, since the countries themselves can issue rules, there are different requirements for entry. One should inform oneself currently before the…

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At least 529 Austrians vaccinated with Sputnik & Co.

The Ministry of Health published figures on unauthorized vaccines in Austria for the first time on Tuesday. At least 529 Austrians had themselves vaccinated with Sputnik and Co. Vaccination map of AustriaIt is not known how many Austrians have been vaccinated with a Corona vaccine not approved in the EU. How many of them are recorded in the E-vaccination card was published by the Ministry of Health for the first time on Tuesday: according to this, only 529 people have reported a vaccination with Sputnik or Sinovac. They do not…

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EU: more than half of adults fully vaccinated against Covid-19

More than half of all adults in the EU have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. EU Commission President Von der Leyen once again called for people to be vaccinated. More than half of all adults in the EU have now been fully vaccinated against Covid-19. This was announced by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels on Tuesday. At the same time, the politician once again encouraged all vaccination skeptics to get immunized. To be safe from virus variants and avoid a new wave of infection, it…

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Many new infections and restrictions again in Spain

The coronavirus crisis in the vacation destination Spain has worsened. The Ministry of Health in Madrid yesterday reported 13,393 infections within 24 hours. This means that the nationwide 7-day incidence climbed from 226 to 258 within a single day. It is still mainly young people under 30 who are infected, it said. Health Minister Carolina Darias expressed optimism, citing vaccination progress, and asserted that the country would soon reduce infection rates again. In addition, hospital numbers were rising at a much lower rate, at least for now. Meanwhile, to curb…

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