Government tightens course and presents joint plan against second wave
Warning against trips to the Balkans and cheap Balkan tests, as well as a traffic light system that is supposed to show the population transparently which steps are necessary in order to prevent the rapid spread of COVID 19 in the country had been presented at a press conference conducted by the leaders oft he Federal Republic. The following are the new informations and measures presented:
▶ A lot of tests are to be carried out quickly, and screening programmes, for example in tourism or homes, are to be expanded.
▶ Returning vacationers who work in high-risk areas such as hospitals should also be tested.
▶ In order to locate contact persons more quickly, 500 police officers and 300 soldiers will be called in to provide support.
▶ The quarantine is to be controlled even more closely – fines of up to 1450 euros are threatened if it is disregarded. If an infected person leaves the quarantine, the public prosecutor’s office will be notified.
▶ The corona situation in the various districts is to be displayed in green, yellow, orange and red using a traffic light system. A commission is working on a guideline as to which measures are effective for which colours. The basis for this will be the number of cases, explainability of the cases, number of tests and resources in the health sector.
▶ In order to ensure health care, a warehouse for protective equipment will be purchased.
▶ Also 8.9 million doses of a possible vaccine are to be reserved.
- Hector Pascua, Source: Gesundheitministerium und Sozialministerium
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