Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) has announced a decision on a possible obligation to wear masks in view of the increasing number of people infected with corona on Sunday, 19 July 2020.
Vienna. In a 24-hour comparison, 169 new corona infections have again been reported in Austria – most recently the Ministry of Health reported similar figures during the peak of the corona virus pandemic in April. In the “ZiB 2” interview, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz explained: “What we expected has happened (…) The development of the pandemic is very fast, it is happening in waves. Until there is a vaccination or a drug, the ups and downs of the infection numbers will probably continue.”
When asked whether he would be in favour of the reintroduction of a general mask obligation, just like the head of the Austrian Medical Association, Thomas Szekeres, or the head of the SPÖ, Pamela Rendi-Wagner, the Austrian Chancellor answered that all key figures on the corona virus would be analysed until next Sunday and then further decisions would be made – in accordance with the principle “as much freedom as possible, as much restriction as necessary”. The obligation to wear a mask was “definitely a possibility, something that may become necessary”, said the Chancellor. However, a mask obligation alone would not be sufficient, he said, and in addition, a targeted approach in the districts was also needed. In this regard, the Chancellor referred to the traffic light system currently being developed for a uniform nationwide approach in the affected districts, so that no spotty carpet is created throughout Austria.
— hp, austrianpress.com
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