28 August 2020 – The number of new corona infections in Austria has decreased within the last 24 hours. With 229 infected persons nationwide, fewer new cases were reported compared to the previous day with 328 infections. According to data from the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Health, 3,263 people were considered actively infected on Friday. 146 people are in hospital, 27 of them in intensive care units.
Most of the new infections were again in Vienna – but in the past 24 hours significantly less than 100. 70 active cases were added in the federal capital, 51 in Upper Austria, 36 in Styria and 31 in Lower Austria. Vorarlberg recorded ten additional active cases, six in Carinthia. Data cleansing in Burgenland resulted in fewer new infections.
229 new infections and 277 new recoveries within 24 hours meant that the number of active cases fell again for the first time, by 48 to 3,263, although more testing was done than ever before. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober drew attention to this on Friday. Since Thursday, there have been 14,701 tests, and since the beginning of the corona crisis in Austria, there have been 1,147,944.
The number of travel returnees with a SARS-CoV-2 infection is beginning to fall slightly. The increased number of tests – 14,000 voluntary examinations of Croatian returnees alone -, stricter entry regulations and a “large number of border controls by health authorities” would have an effect, Anschober said. Since end of July there had been approximately one and a half million such controls.
The number of corona patients in the hospitals is “stable with a slight upward trend” at 146, 27 of them in intensive care. Only a fraction of the capacity is being used. “This and the still comparatively very low number of deaths are the most important figures in the development of the pandemic in Austria”, said the Minister. However, the increase in confirmed cases in individual European countries – Spain with a plus of around 9,600, France plus 6,111 – and Southeast Europe is worrying.
- Hector Pascua, with reports from News Agencies, sozialministerium.at Pictures: stockilyapp.com
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