“It could be that already in January a vaccination is possible in Austria. At the turn of the year 600,000 vaccine doses for 300,000 people could be delivered,” Austrian Health Minister Anschober announced. A condition is however that the promises of the pharmaceutical companies and the market approvals take place in time.
The first batches are to be used to vaccinate healthcare and nursing staff. A total of five vaccines from different manufacturers will be used. All those who wish to be vaccinated could then follow in the summer. But there are still unanswered questions for the Minister of Health: How effective is the vaccination? How long does it last? And how many people can actually be vaccinated? According to surveys, 50 percent could be vaccinated against the coronavirus. That would already be a success for Anschober.
Protection against other infectious diseases as well
However, the next months which will be particularly challenging. Hygiene measures and the mouth nose protection would be important companions, because they protect also against other infection illnesses, so Anschober. With the cold and the close gathering in poorly ventilated rooms, the danger of infection with the coronavirus, but also with other infectious diseases typical for the season, would increase. One must also try to keep the flu under control in order not to overload the health system. Not least for this reason, flu vaccination for children was included in the free vaccination program.
The crucial thing is to prevent a second wave in any case, said Anschober. For the historical experience of other pandemics had shown that the second wave was stronger than the first. The CoV traffic light, which is to be presented with details on Friday, is to support this.
— Hector Pascua, Source, orf.at. Picture: Screenshot: zackzack.at
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