Pinay nurses celebrated their 45th Anniversary in Austria

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VIENNA, Austria – The Batch 1975 of Filipino nurses came together to celebrate their 45th Anniversary as first class nurses in Austria.

Some years ago, a number of these nurses  were recognized   by the Austrian Health Ministry for their  deserving and professional works in the Austrian Health Care sector.

“These Filipino nurses possess professional training that is why they are very much loved by the Viennese people. I want to thank you for your excellent work in Vienna’s hospitals. Your presence has been an enriching experience for us,” once commented by Mag. Sonja Wehsely, former head of the Vienna Health Sector.

The Philippine migrant community in Austria has indeed grown since the 70’s when the City of Vienna welcomed its first batch of Philippine nurses.
Many of them have acquired Austrian citizenship. Some are married to Austrian nationals and raised a second or even third generation Filipino-Austrians. They vote in elections, they sing “Land der Berge” – the national anthem – and they pay their taxes. Many have stories to tell about complexities of integrating into local communities. But because as Filipinos, these Pinay nurses  are naturally adaptable, open-minded, have facility in learning foreign languages, have a good temperament and share the same Christian traditions in Europe. They have blended and assimilated easily into the Austrian society.

Under a bilateral agreement, Filipino nurses came to Austria, first in trickle, then in groups. In virtually every corner of this country, there is nothing but praise for Filipino nurses. And many Austrians who have never heard of the Philippines learn about us through the most positive examples oft he Filipino nurses!
An Austrian doctor praised Filipino nurses in Austria for their “very important contribution” to their host country’s healthcare system.  

To our dedicated  maybe many of you are now enjoying their pension years!),  congratulations and happy 45th Anniversary!   You are  truly some of the best ambassadors of the Filipino people!

— Hector Pascua, Pictures: Facebook Wall, Adel Calanog

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