Vienna is now a risk city: Germany issues travel warning for Vienna

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Now returnees need to have a current negative test. As long as there is no negative result, they must remain in self-isolation for a maximum of 14 days.

In view of the high number of new infections, Vienna is now officially considered a corona risk area in Germany. This is evident from the list of risk areas updated on Wednesday evening and maintained by the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI). “The federal state of Vienna is considered a risk area”, the institute’s website states.

Entering the country from risk areas must have themselves tested for the corona virus in Germany on a mandatory basis, unless they can show a negative test result that is no more than 48 hours old. As long as they do not have a negative result, they must go into domestic quarantine for two weeks.

As risk areas Germany defined so far regions in France, Spain, Belgium, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic and Switzerland. Since Wednesday evening, in addition to Vienna, the Hungarian capital Budapest, the French region of Hauts-de-France and the overseas territory of La Réunion, the Croatian counties of Brod-Posavina and Virovitica-Podravina, the Dutch provinces of North and South Holland, the Romanian counties of Neamt and Caras Severin, the Swiss canton of Freiburg and the Czech region of Stredocesky (Central Bohemia) have been added to the list. In contrast, the counties of Arges and Dambovita in Romania are no longer considered risk areas.

The classification as a risk area is made after joint analysis and decision by the German Ministry of Health, Foreign Affairs and the Interior. The German foreign ministry said that travel warnings are an urgent appeal, not a travel ban. However, the existence of a travel warning could have further implications, for example for the validity of travel health insurance.

Belgium also declares Vienna a “red” risk area
Like Germany, Belgium has also declared the Austrian capital Vienna a corona risk area. As the Foreign Ministry in Brussels announced on Wednesday, Vienna will become a “red zone” as of Friday 16.00 hrs.

In addition, six Austrian federal states also have a lighter corona warning: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgenland, Styria, Tyrol and Salzburg have been classified as an “orange zone” by the Belgian Foreign Office. Until Friday afternoon this category also applies to Vienna.

— Hector Pascua, Source:, Picture:

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