Corona rules: What applies starting today

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More than 600 people are currently tested positive for the corona virus every day. Politicians are trying to prevent the spread with numerous rules. An overview.

The three golden rules apply to everyone and everywhere:
Distance, hygiene, mask

Family, friends: The majority of new infections now occur at home. All celebrations, private events indoors (not in your own four walls) are limited to 10 persons. Outside, a limit of 100 persons applies.

School: The same applies to students and teachers: contacts should be reduced to a minimum. Therefore, a mask is obligatory everywhere in schools, except in one’s own class. The only problems then are gymnastics and singing, for both of which it is recommended that lessons be held in the fresh air. Gymnastics in the hall should only be done in small groups and with sufficient ventilation. In any case, children are less likely to fall ill with the virus.

Trade, services: In all interiors, whether in supermarkets, stores, at the hairdresser, in car dealerships or in shopping centers, a mask must be worn and the minimum distance must be maintained. But masks and a minimum distance are also mandatory for outdoor markets.

Gastronomy: Here, too, masks are compulsory throughout Austria- except at the table when eating and drinking. Closing time is at 1.00 o’clock early, Tirol, Vorarlberg and Salzburg brought forward the closing time to 22.00 o’clock due to the rising infection numbers. New is that all guests in Vienna and soon also in Lower Austria must register in restaurants, so that chains of infection can be more easily tracked down.

Hospitals, retirement homes: As the Covid risk groups are mainly elderly and sick people, particularly restrictive regulations apply, such as fever measurement at the entrance. Because the reduction of contacts is particularly important here, only one visitor per day is allowed to see a patient.

Events: For events without assigned and marked seats (e.g. standing events), a maximum of 10 people may be present indoors and 100 people outdoors. For professional events (theater to opera) with assigned and marked seats, the maximum number of persons indoors is 1,500, and outdoors (soccer game) a maximum of 3,000 guests may attend. Masks are compulsory, except at the seating area and for consumption. With traffic light color orange, all sports events in Lower Austria in the affected districts may only take place without spectators (except parents).

Religion: The distance, hygiene and mask rules and restrictions on singing apply to the practice of religion. Wedding ceremonies (after the wedding ceremony) can be held indoors with up to 10 people and outdoors with up to 100 people. The same applies to funerals and mourning ceremonies. Funerals at the cemetery are limited to 500 persons.

Sports: Because the distance, hygiene and mask rules are difficult to follow here, common sense applies to minimize the risk of infection (no hugging, high-fiving and the like). Indoors, a maximum of ten people, if possible. Team sports remain allowed. It is recommended to arrive at training already changed and to shower at home after training.

Travel: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all unnecessary travel, especially all vacation trips. Austria has currently issued travel warnings for 37 countries. That concerns in Portugal (Lisbon and Norte), France (Paris and Provence), Tschechien (Prague) and at the Western Balkans Croatia, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Romania.

  • Hector Pascua, Source: with reports from
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