High infection rates make alarm bells ring. The second wave of the corona pandemic is rolling over Europe.
Governments throughout Europe are again taking measures, some of them extremely restrictive, to get the second wave of the corona pandemic under control – and thus prevent another total lockdown. But this is exactly what Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s advisor is now proposing for Great Britain: “A three-week period of national and tightened restrictions with the right financial support will allow us to make a fresh start before winter,” said Jeremy Farrar. In Wales, such a lockdown will apply from Friday – initially for two weeks.
The regional measures already in place are not effective enough, Farrar stressed. These include measures in Liverpool (pubs, fitness centers or betting shops are closed) or in London (members of different households are no longer allowed to meet indoors).
In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his team are fighting the impending total lockdown with vehemence and radical cuts. Pubs, bars and restaurants were closed for four weeks last week. From 20 o’clock in the evening the sale of alcohol is forbidden. The Dutch are only allowed a maximum of three guests per day in their apartments.
Neighboring country Belgium: more than 12,000 new infections were registered in a single day the previous week – with a population of almost 11.5 million. In the EU country, the entire catering industry was shut down for a month on Monday. In addition, a curfew is in effect between midnight and five o’clock in the morning.
This also applies in Paris and other major French cities such as Marseille or Lyon. However, this already starts at 9 p.m. and continues until six a.m. Only with good reason are you allowed to be outside during this time (for example, when you have to go to work). The Grand Nation recently had to put up with daily new infection rates of more than 30,000.
Since corona cases are also rising sharply again in Italy, which was hit hard by the first wave of the pandemic in spring, new measures have been taken: Bars and restaurants are closed at midnight, and a maximum of six people can sit at the tables in the pubs. In schools, teaching is staggered. Public festivals are forbidden.
In Slovenia a state of emergency has now even been declared, on the basis of which further restrictions can be imposed. In nine out of twelve regions, including the capital Ljubljana, residents are already not allowed to leave their territory, except to go to work. Pupils from the 6th grade upwards stay at home and receive distance learning.
In the Czech Republic, where the situation is currently the worst in Europe, pubs and bars are closed. Alcohol consumption in public is prohibited. Only a maximum of six people may meet indoors and outdoors. And because hospital beds are becoming scarce, the army has begun to set up a field hospital at the Prague exhibition center.
Similar plans are being made in Poland. There, a temporary hospital with 500 beds is also to be set up in the Warsaw National Stadium, which was built for the 2012 European Football Championship. 150 regions of the country are considered “red zones”. There, fitness centers and swimming pools are closed, restaurants are only allowed to serve food until 9 p.m., after that only takeaway food is allowed. The schools had to switch back to distance learning.
- hp, Source: News Agencies and kurier.at. Picture: stockilyapp.com
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