On Saturday afternoon, the federal government presented the lockdown measures that will apply starting Tuesday, 17. November until 6 Dezember 2020.
The hard lockdown will considerably tighten the measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic.Austrian Press answers the most important questions about the presented measures:
Question: What changes now compared to the previous partial lockdown?
Answer: The new regulation aims even more strongly at reducing physical contact with other persons. The most noticeable measures for most people will probably be the conversion of schools to distance learning and the closure of retail stores. De facto, this regulation now introduces a strict lockdown.
Question: Is it still allowed to go outside?
Answer: Yes – but the exit restriction now applies around the clock. There are nine exceptions: One is still allowed to go for a walk and meet “individual close relatives” or “individual important caregivers” (friends). In addition, you are allowed to take care of other people or animals, buy the most necessary things and drive to work or to your training place.
Question: Are you allowed to drive to your second home?
Answer: Yes, this falls under the exception “coverage of a housing need” and was already allowed under the previous rules after 8 pm as an exception to the exit restriction.
Question: May I continue to see the doctor?
Answer: Yes. The use of health services is even explicitly mentioned as an exceptional reason why you are allowed to leave your home. However, it is advisable to call your doctor in advance to clarify whether you need an appointment and when it is most convenient.
Question: Am I obliged to have a home office?
Answer: The professional activity should “preferably” take place outside the workplace. Employer and employee should “come to an agreement” about the exact form of this. In most cases, it depends on the employment contract, which may allow a relocation of the workplace. In principle, there is also no right to a home office.
Question: Which stores are still open?
Answer: Shops are generally closed. Hairdressers and beauty salons have to close, as do bathrooms, theaters, zoos and museums – some of which are no longer open anyway. The regulation explicitly excludes the following from the closures: pharmacies, grocery stores, drugstores, health and care services, banks, gas stations, the post office, tobacconists, car and bicycle repair stores, pet food stores, and the agricultural trade. There, however, the mask obligation still applies, the one-meter distance rule and only one customer per 10 square meters may enter the store.
Question: What is the situation with the Gastro? Is a pick-up service still allowed?
Answer: Yes, the “pickup of food and beverages between 06.00 and 19.00 hours is allowed”. Delivery services also remain open.
Question: Do I now have to wear masks in the car?
Answer: If you drive in a car with people who do not live in the same household, then yes. In addition, only two people may sit in each row of seats, including the driver. The same also applies to cabs and taxi-like businesses and on board aircraft that are not considered to be means of mass transportation. For cabs, cab companies and school transport, the seating row rule may be deviated from for the purpose of transporting people with disabilities and kindergarten children, if necessary.
Question: And what measures apply to public transport?
Answer: In means of mass transportation and the associated subway stations, platforms, bus stops, train stations and airports plus their connecting structures, a distance of at least one meter must still be maintained from persons who do not live in the common household and a mouth and nose protector must be worn. If it is not possible to maintain this distance due to the number of passengers or when boarding and alighting, then this distance may be deviated from by way of exception.
Question: Are hotels open?
Answer: No, but there are exceptions – such as business trips that cannot be postponed.
- hector pascua, source: sozialministerium.at. picture: pixabay.com
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