The strict coronavirus measures in France will be eased again from tomorrow onwards in view of falling infection figures. Even non-essential businesses will then be allowed to open their doors again – but only under certain conditions. For example, eight square meters of sales space must be available per customer.
Although it will still only be allowed to leave the house in good reason and with a completed certificate, more time outside will be permitted from the weekend onwards. Anyone who wants to go for a walk or do sports is now allowed to do so three hours a day within a radius of 20 kilometers from their home. Previously, the limits were one hour and a radius of one kilometer.
According to the health authorities, France has already passed the peak in new infections in the second wave of coronavirus. Yesterday, about 13,500 new infections were reported within 24 hours. At the beginning of November, there were more than 60,000 cases. In the country with 67 million inhabitants, more than 50,000 infected persons have died since the outbreak of the pandemic.
hp, picture:
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