457,197 people were without a job in November this year. This is an increase of 24.9 percent or 91,247 people compared to last year. Compared to October, there was an increase of 33,447 people, an increase of around 3,300 people compared to the previous week.
Of the 457,197 people without a job, 390,858 were registered as unemployed with the Public Employment Service (AMS) – an increase of 30.5 percent or 91,331 people within a year. A further 66,339 people were in training, according to the Ministry of Labor on Tuesday. 276,370 people are currently on short-time work, according to Tuesday’s announcement – a good 57,000 more than a week ago.
The increase in the number of registered unemployed men (206,971) was slightly lower than in the previous year (plus 28.8 percent) and slightly lower than in the number of women (183,887) (plus 32.4 percent). The number of immediately available vacancies fell by over 6,000 to 58,243 compared to the previous month.
Particularly strong increase in tourism
Unemployment rose particularly sharply in tourism, where 72,146 people are currently looking for work – 46 percent more than a year ago. The effects in trade are somewhat weaker, but also very strong, with an increase of 32.4 percent within a year.
The unemployment rate according to the national definition is now estimated at 9.5 percent, an increase of 2.1 percentage points compared to November 2019. The rate for women was 9.6 percent (up 2.3 percentage points), for men 9.3 percent (up two percentage points).
hp, Source: austria.ORF.at/agencies. picture: pixabay.com
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