The coronavirus vaccination strategy in Austria is available online today on the Ministry of Health website COVID-19-Impfung ( According to the graphic and a document dated Dec. 9, there will be three vaccination phases in 2021.
The first phase will cover January and February 2021, and here vaccines will be available on a limited basis, according to the Ministry of Health. The target group for this phase will be residents of nursing and retirement homes, as well as healthcare workers and people with certain pre-existing conditions.
New vaccination sites depending on the phase
In the second phase, which should go from February to April 2021, more vaccine will be available, it says. People of older age and those working in critical infrastructure should be vaccinated first. Starting in the second quarter, the general population should also be vaccinated.
Depending on the phase, the supply of vaccination sites should also increase. While in January and February the vaccinations are to take place in old people’s homes and nursing homes, in the next phases public vaccination centers, doctors in private practice as well as company and school doctors will be added.
The basic features of the vaccination strategy were already known and had already been discussed in the Council of Ministers.
hp, Source: and picture: COVID-19-Impfung (
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