The Ministry of Social Affairs on Monday presented the draft regulation for the third “hard” Corona lockdown. It does not yet include the free testing phase, because the regulation is valid for the time being until January 4. There are no surprises in the measures. It is made clear that testing obligations for Covid 19 patients do not apply for three months. More visits will be allowed to nursing home residents at Christmas.
On Dec. 24 and 25, residents of nursing and retirement homes will be allowed two visits from two people from a common household – in addition to the one visit per week that is always allowed – is fixed in an amendment to the 3rd COVID-19 Protective Measures Ordinance with the Christmas rules. In this way, the government wants to prevent nursing home residents from being picked up by relatives for Christmas parties. There the infection risk would be higher, it is called in the reason.
The Christmas regulations clarify that zoos and botanical gardens will not open on December 24 as planned, but will remain closed (at least) until the lockdown ends. If they had been open for two days – until the lockdown starts on the 26th – there would be a risk of large crowds.
The third lockdown has two ends this time: In principle, it runs until January 17 – but the stores, pubs, cultural, leisure and other facilities that reopen then may only be visited by those people who complete a Corona freeze test shortly beforehand. Those who do not, must comply with the lockdown rules until January 24.
The new 2nd COVID-19 Emergency Measures Ordinance does not yet address this phase. This is because it can only apply until January 4 because, according to the Covid-19 Measures Act, exit restrictions such as leaving private living quarters must be approved by the main committee every ten days.
Included in the ordinance (based on that for the second lockdown in November) are some clarifications: People who have had Corona are considered immune for three months and are thus exempt from testing requirements. Nursing home residents must have an educational interview after exits lasting more than two hours. At permitted events (funerals, demos), the one-meter distance and the mask obligation apply – except for top sports and meetings in private homes.
As of December 26, the day-long curfew applies again, with the known exceptions of averting danger, helping those in need of support, exercising family rights and duties, visiting doctors/therapists, practicing a profession, education, outdoor recreation, going to the authorities, voting, participating in permitted events, and meeting basic needs (i.e., contact with one’s life partner or a close relative or caregiver, purchasing the basic necessities of daily life, meeting basic residential and religious needs, caring for animals).
There is no exception for New Year’s Eve, also there is a round-the-clock rule: only the meeting of two households is allowed (from December 26), but only one individual of a household may meet several other household members.
Stores are closed again, except for the supply of essential goods for everyday life (food, medicines, drugstore goods, tobacco and newspapers, postal services, etc.) between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. – but this time with a new exception for all retail businesses: “Click & Collect” is possible for all goods. They may be collected outside from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. after an advance order (also by telephone).
Cultural institutions, museums, libraries, libraries and archives will be closed again, zoos and botanical gardens will remain closed. Indoor sports are still not allowed, outdoor (e.g. cross-country skiing tracks, ice rinks) is allowed, with minimum distance and 10m2 per person (which also applies to stores). With a distance requirement, mask (FFP2 in the gondola or access area) and a maximum of 50 percent occupancy per gondola/row of seats (except persons of a common household), cable cars and lifts are also allowed to reopen from December 24.
Cultural institutions, museums, libraries, libraries and archives will be closed again, zoos and botanical gardens will remain closed. Indoor sports are still not allowed, outdoor (e.g. cross-country skiing tracks, ice skating rinks) is allowed, with a minimum distance and 10m2 per person (which also applies to stores). With distance obligation, mask (FFP2 in the gondola or in the access area) and maximum 50 percent occupancy per gondola/seat row (except persons of a common household), cable cars and lifts are also allowed to reopen from December 24.
The regulations for homes, hospitals, public places (distance and mask), public transport, gastronomy (bars closed, takeaway allowed) or the workplace (mask obligation in closed rooms) remain unchanged.
hp, source: APA, Picture:
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