Start of Lockdown number three: This applies from 26 December

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The most important rules and regulations that apply from today with the start of the third lockdown.

How many households are allowed to meet each other after December 25? Which stores are open during the lockdown? And how exactly is it with New Year’s Eve?

As of today, December 26, the third lockdown is in effect. Here: an overview of the current rules.

Who or how many people may I meet or visit at home from December 26?

Starting on St. Stephen’s Day, strict curfew restrictions will apply around the clock. For meetings with people who do not live in the same household, the “1 plus 1” rule will apply: meetings of people from different households are allowed only if one of them appears alone. An example: alone, my sister or brother may visit me and my family at home. However, if I want to visit sister, brother, etc., I am not allowed to take my whole family with me on this visit.

How many people are allowed to celebrate New Year’s Eve together?

The “1 plus 1” rule also applies here, i.e.: only one person may visit another household.

Can I redeem the shopping vouchers I received for Christmas as of December 28?

That depends on which store it is. Generally, all retail will be closed from December 26. Only businesses that sell important goods such as food, hygiene products or medicines (supermarkets, pharmacies, drugstores) are allowed to stay open. But: all businesses are allowed to set up a pick-up service (“Click & Collect”) between 6 am and 7 pm. If the goods can be pre-ordered and handed over outside, they can be ordered and collected from the entire range.

Do I have to wait until the end of the lockdown if my car breaks down over the holidays?

No. Unlike hair salons, nail salons, massage therapists, etc., service providers that are “non-corporate” are allowed to remain open. These include auto repair shops, insurance companies, dry cleaners, alteration tailors and banks.

Can I go skiing during the vacations?

Yes. While indoor sports venues (indoor tennis courts, gymnasiums, etc.) will remain closed to amateur athletes, outdoor sports venues such as cross-country ski trails, ice skating rinks and ski slopes will be open. Cable cars are allowed to transport passengers from December 24, but strict rules apply here: Gondolas and coverable chairs may only be occupied to a maximum of 50 percent. At least an FFP2 mask must be worn during the ascent and when queuing.

Is it allowed to drive to the second home despite the lockdown?

Yes. Item 3 of the ordinance lists things that are vital and remain permitted. This includes not only grocery shopping or “caring for animals,” but also “meeting a housing need.”

Do you have to reschedule medical or court appointments if they fall within the lockdown?

No. “Unpostponable official or court appointments” are allowed, as are appointments with “health and care providers.” That includes visits to the veterinarian.

If I want to visit someone in a nursing home, do I have to get tested even if I already had Covid-19?

No. The regulation clarifies that convalescents are not subject to mandatory testing, provided they have been demonstrably infected with Covid-19 in the past three months (!) prior to testing.

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