In 2020, 39,478 marriages took place in Austria, according to preliminary data from Statistics Austria, 6,556 or 14.2 percent fewer than in 2019.
In the same period, 1,253 registered partnerships were established, eleven or 1.3 percent fewer than the year before. However, in the Corona year with lockdowns and pandemic-related restrictions, “9.2 percent fewer marriages were also legally divorced,” reported Statistics Austria Director General Tobias Thomas. Last year, 611 couples took advantage of the same-sex marriage option, which has been available since January 1, 2019; at the same time, 1,170 opposite-sex couples and 83 same-sex couples established a registered partnership. The 2020 marriages also include a total of 56 conversions of registered partnerships by 27 female couples, 22 male couples, and seven opposite-sex couples. Conversely, not a single marriage was converted to a registered partnership in 2020.
In all federal states, significantly fewer marriages were performed in 2020 than in the previous year. The largest decrease was recorded in Vienna (minus 23.6 percent), followed by Salzburg (minus 15.6 percent), Vorarlberg and Burgenland (minus 14.0 percent each), Lower Austria (minus 12.1 percent), Styria (minus 11.3 percent), Tyrol (minus 10.7 percent), as well as Carinthia (minus 10.4 percent) and Upper Austria (minus 9.9 percent).
By contrast, the number of reasons for registered partnerships developed differently in the provinces in 2020: while Salzburg (up 25.9 percent) and Vorarlberg (up 14.3 percent) registered significantly more registered partnerships, Tyrol (down 9.5 percent) and Vienna (down 6.6 percent) recorded sharper declines.
14,821 marriages were legally divorced in 2020, down 9.2 percent from the previous year. At the same time, 104 registered partnerships were dissolved, 14.0 percent fewer than in 2019.
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