On Wednesday, Health Minister Rudolf Anschober gave an update on Corona vaccinations. The statistical figures show that the states are vaccinating as specified in the vaccination schedule. To date, 695,000 vaccinations have already been recorded in the e-vaccination passport – with over seven million more to follow by summer.
So far, residents and employees of nursing homes and homes for the elderly in particular have been almost completely vaccinated – as stipulated in the vaccination plan. In the coming weeks and months, the federal government’s vaccination campaign is now expected to pick up full speed. “In total, we have been promised about 1.1 million vaccination doses for March, which is a threefold increase compared to the previous weeks,” Anschober is pleased to say.
This is said to be a “good mix” of vaccines from BionTech/Pfizer (463,000), AstraZeneca (458,000) and Moderna (136,000). He aims to vaccinate two million doses by Easter.
The health minister reiterated that they are dependent on delivery dates and market approvals. According to the plan, “there will be an additional six million vaccine doses in the second quarter,” Anschober announced. He expects “that we will have vaccinated eight million doses in the first half of the year.” In theory, that would mean that with a vaccine-eligible population (older than 16) of around 7.4 million Austrians, everyone could be at least partially vaccinated.
Starting in April, around 600,000 vaccines from Johnson & Johnson are also to be used for the first time; Anschober expects EU approval “within two weeks.”
— source: heute.at/picture:unsplash.com
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