As of today, Austria is divided in two: In the East, much stricter rules apply.
Regulation. Since midnight, life in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland is further restricted. In the rest of the country, the previous Corona measures apply.
Exit restrictions apply for 24 hours
➔ Exceptions: In the three eastern provinces, the following applies: day and night, people are only allowed to leave the house in exceptional cases. These are the well-known reasons: the way to work, purchase of the most necessary, pharmacy & doctor visits, averting danger and, of course, short recreation.
Take-away goods and food allowed after all
➔ Take-away: New exception: shopping via Click & Collect (pick-up) is allowed. But you have to stay in the area of the strict lockdown. The Viennese cannot pick up his goods in Lower Austria. Take-away also remains allowed.
Who is allowed to visit me during the lockdown period?
➔ 1 + 1: Large family celebrations are prohibited. The “1 + 1 rule” applies in the east: persons of a household may only meet with one other person. No matter if inside or outside. This applies too: whether a person visits a family, or the residents of a household visit an individual. So if the mother wants to visit her daughter, she is not allowed to take the father with her, unless the daughter lives alone. In all other federal states, the following applies: Until 8 p.m., 2 families (max. 4 adults, 6 children) can come together.
Can I go to church for mass?
➔ Yes: Masses take place, but with strict measures (distance, mask …).
I want to visit grandma in Tyrol – is that possible?
➔ Alone: Anyone leaving the East needs a good reason. For example, the visit of a close person. You can visit grandma, but only alone. A married couple could not travel together. Exception: An extended family could meet at the vacation home in Carinthia if all members were registered there as secondary residents.
What happens to school after the vacations?
➔ Virtually: After the vacations, a week of distance learning begins seamlessly. For emergencies, there is care in the schools.
Trade: Only those stores that offer goods for daily use, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, remain open. Click & Collect is possible for all stores. The transfer of goods must take place outdoors.
Services: body-related services (e.g. hairdressers, masseurs, beauty salons) are closed. Two-sided business-related businesses (B2B) remain possible.
Catering businesses remain closed. Food and beverages may be ordered by delivery service or picked up between 6 am and 7 pm.
Cultural and recreational facilities (theaters, cinemas, zoos, museums, libraries, etc.) are closed.
Sports and youth: outdoor sports facilities may still be entered. However, the 1+1 rule applies here as well: maximum 1 household and a 1 individual. Other gatherings are prohibited.
FFP2 mask obligation in closed rooms in all public places as well as in gatherings of people (markets, funerals, when picking up food, etc.).
Hotels remain closed.
All private events, such as weddings, anniversary or birthday parties, are prohibited. Funerals are still allowed, with a maximum of 50 people attending.
In nursing facilities, 2 visiting persons are allowed 2 times per week per resident.
In hospitals: 1 visiting person per patient 2 days per week (for stays of at least one week).
Work: home office is recommended where possible. For on-site work, the FFP2 obligation applies in closed rooms if more than one person is present in a room at the same time and no protective devices (e.g. partition walls) are available.
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