Police checkpoints in East lockdown: ‘People abide by rules’

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At the start of the Easter lockdown in eastern Austria, the police drew a positive balance. The population is largely disciplined and adheres in principle to the lockdown measures.

Vienna’s city center empty
Largely disciplined, the population in the eastern region adheres to the prescribed and with Thursday in force “Easter calm”. The police in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland have not yet had to call in the curfews in droves and hardly disperse any gatherings, which was quite surprising in view of the early summer temperatures.

There had been significantly fewer complaints over the past two days than at the start of the week, the Interior Ministry said. “People are complying with the regulations, it’s working well so far from the authorities’ point of view,” a spokesman said. Vienna’s provincial police headquarters confirmed the impression gained during a tour of the city center on Thursday. “It was basically calm. There was not very much going on,” a spokeswoman held.

Vienna’s provincial police headquarters confirmed the impression gained during a tour of the city center on Thursday. “It was basically quiet. There was not very much going on,” a spokeswoman held. At the popular places in the city and on the Danube Canal, there were significantly fewer people than before the lockdown. Where groups formed or the locally limited FFP2 mask obligation was not observed, “we relied on dialogue, and in the vast majority of cases the dialogue was also successful. Some people had not yet known that masks had been compulsory in certain outdoor locations since Thursday: “These were instructed.”

Lower Austria also continued to record no unusual incidents on the second day of the lockdown. Compliance with the Covid regulations will also be increasingly controlled over the Easter weekend, announced police spokesman Raimund Schwaigerlehner.

Eastern region: three districts with incidence above 400
In the eastern region, three districts had a seven-day incidence above 400 on Friday afternoon, namely Oberwart in Burgenland with a seven-day incidence of 411.5 per 100,000 inhabitants and in western Lower Austria the districts of Scheibbs with 446.7 and Melk with 452.7. Melk was thus even the Austria-wide leader, because apart from Braunau in Inn in Upper Austria with a current incidence of 405.5, there was no other district above the 400 mark.

In itself, if the incidence of over 400 lasts longer than seven days, exit tests would be scheduled when leaving the affected district – in Braunau in Inn, where one has been above this value for three days, such tests were announced for Easter Monday.

No exit tests in Scheibbs
This is apparently not planned for Scheibbs, although the district has been permanently above 400 since March 25 – except for April 1, when it fell just below 400 on the ominous seventh day and thus the decree of the Ministry of Health did not become effective, which would have made exit restrictions necessary. 24 hours later, it was well above 400 again.

The district of Oberwart in Burgenland has also been above 400 for a long time, although the dashboard of the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) is not accepted and the figures of the Coronavirus Coordination Team in Burgenland are used as a guide. These show a significantly lower incidence for Oberwart. “The AGES also includes the data of positive antigen rapid tests in the statistics. The statistics of the country, however, refer only to positive PCR tests,” the “Burgenländische Volkszeitung” (BVZ) quoted the Oberwart district governor Helmut Nemeth in this context on Friday. Accordingly, exit restrictions are not yet an issue for him, “because you have to show as a district seven days an incidence of over 400, and as a basis for calculation for this are the figures of the country, which is currently still below 400.”

— sources: APA and vienna.at/picture: pixabay.com

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