From Friday to Saturday, 271 new infections with the corona virus were reported. So far, there have been 646,438 positive test results in Austria. As of today, 10,636 people across Austria have died as a result of the coronavirus and 630,458 have recovered. Currently, 450 people are in hospital care due to the virus, 146 of whom are in intensive care units.
Seven-day incidence at 25.1
The seven-day incidence per 100,000 population for Corona infections continues to fall, and as of 9:30 a.m. Saturday was only 25.1, according to figures from the Interior and Health Ministries.
Rise in hospital and intensive care patients
However, there were significant increases in hospital and intensive care patients. There were 450 people in the hospital with Covid 19 disease on Saturday, up 90 from Friday. 146 of them were being cared for in intensive care units by 28, more than on Friday. Within a week, it was still a decrease of 22 intensive care patients. The increase, however, was exclusively on the account of Vienna and is due to a new counting method in the federal capital, as Corinna Had of the Vienna crisis team as published by the Austrian Press Agency.
Unlike in the past, the Vienna count also includes long-covoid patients. In Vienna, there was therefore an increase of 97 hospital and 35 intensive care patients compared to Friday. This means that if the federal capital is excluded, the number of hospital and intensive care patients in Austria continued to decline.
No recovered patients added plus data adjustment
There were no new convalescents in the past 24 hours. The Interior Ministry attributed this to a data cleanup, which also meant that there were 5,344 actively infected people, 946 more than on Friday.
The new infections in the provinces
Burgenland: 5
Carinthia: 13
Lower Austria: 76
Upper Austria: 43
Salzburg: 2
Styria: 24
Tyrol: 44
Vorarlberg: 9
Vienna: 55
— source:
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