Targeted Corona vaccination campaign to start tomorrow in Vienna and in the provinces

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The current week brings vaccination opportunities in shopping centers in Vienna.

In Austria, the provinces are resorting to targeted on-the-spot offers against the backdrop of Corona vaccination fatigue. In Vienna, vaccination offers in shopping centers kick off this week.

Lower Austria, Styria, Salzburg, Upper Austria and Burgenland are also holding vaccination days again without advance notice. Vaccination buses, for example in Vienna, Salzburg and Upper Austria, are also taking the vaccine to the population. Currently, just under 60 percent of the total population has received initial vaccination.

Vienna: Corona inoculation at the railroad station possible
In Vienna one referred on Tuesday in the office of health city councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) that steps have been already prepared, for instance the assigned inoculation buses, which make a residentnear inoculation possible. Currently, one can be vaccinated at Reumannplatz and at the Hütteldorf train station in the bus. As of Wednesday, vaccination will also be available in Viennese shopping centers: In Lugner City, vaccination will be available from Wednesday to Saturday. On Friday and Saturday, there will also be an offer for vaccination in the Auhof Center and the Riverside shopping center. More information on Corona vaccination in Vienna can be found at

“Vaccinations directly to the people on site” – Tyrol

In Tyrol, Governor Günther Platter (ÖVP) also wants to bring “vaccinations directly to the people on site” in addition to the existing low-threshold offers. From 16 to 21 August will be vaccinated in five regions also in community halls and vaccination buses, it was said on Tuesday in a dispatch following a consultation with the association of municipalities. Selected were the regions Ötztal, Hinteres Iseltal, the East Tyrolean Oberland with the Villgratental as well as the Tyrolean Gailtal, the region Untere Schranne and Kaiserwinkl and the region Oberstes Gericht. Platter located here “still increased catching up need”. The concrete inoculation day for the respective region, as well as the appropriate opening times are specified in the next days and communicated approximately with post throwing (information under

Lower Austria

In Lower Austria municipalities, in which the ratio is low in comparison with the others, are supplied with priority with low-threshold offers (Pop UP inoculation and mobile inoculation teams), communicated LHStv. Stephan Pernkopf (ÖVP) and Gesundheitslandesrätin Ulrike Königberger Ludwig (SPÖ) on inquiry. In Wiener Neustadt, a campaign without registration for under-30s last weekend fell short of expectations with 660 injections administered, so the offer will be extended to all age groups on August 7 and 8. Baden will host a no-appointment vaccination day for 12- to 18-year-olds on Aug. 9. Spontaneous vaccination without an appointment is also possible in the coming days, for example, in Gmünd, Melk, Krems, Hollabrunn, Mistelbach, Amstetten and Tulln, according to the Notruf NÖ website; detailed information can be found at

Striving for more readiness for Corona vaccination in Styria
In Styria, efforts have also been underway for some time to increase vaccination readiness. Here, too, the aim is to get “very close” to the citizens with the offers. On August 7, for example, there will again be an “open vaccination” without an appointment in all vaccination streets of the country. Information under:


The province of Salzburg has also been offering vaccinations without appointments for several weeks now against vaccination fatigue – in a vaccination bus that tours the entire province and that every municipality can also request, and in vaccination streets. “We will continue to offer these vaccination campaigns,” a spokeswoman for the health department told APA. “Everyone will find a way to get vaccinated.” Vaccination drives for travelers returning home and for schoolchildren are also planned toward the end of the summer. As of last Friday, about 5,000 Salzburg citizens have taken advantage of immunization without pre-registration since the special vaccination campaigns began July 9. Statewide, weekly vaccination campaigns without pre-registration, the exact dates and locations can be found on the state homepage

Upper Austria with Corona vaccination days
There are similar efforts also in Upper Austria, which is with 55,1 per cent at least Erstgeimpften Austria-far tail light with the Durchimpfungsrate. Notification-free vaccination days and pop-up vaccinations, including at swimming lakes, events and shopping, are intended to encourage more people to be immunized. And vaccination buses are also on the road in Green Mark. Information can be found at


As already announced, the province of Burgenland is planning campaigns in communities where the vaccination coverage rate is comparatively low. Physicians in private practice are to offer vaccination days there without registration. In this way, the province wants to reach people who have to travel long distances to the nearest vaccination centers or doctors. Generally one sets on inoculation days without advance notification, in order to increase the inoculation readiness further, it was called from the office of national governor Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ). Information under

Restrained one gave oneself at the beginning of the week in Vorarlberg. At present there were no considerations to further measures for the increase of the inoculation ratio in the municipalities. Information on vaccination services in the state can be found at

Information about vaccination is also available throughout Austria under the health number 1450. With general questions about the coronavirus, you can contact the AGES hotline at 0800/555621 (daily from 00:00 to 24:00).


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