The Corona traffic light is switched to “orange” for Austria. That means there is “high risk.” This emerges from the working document of the traffic light commission, which is adopted by circular resolution. In individual states, there is still talk of medium risk, i.e. yellow, namely in Carinthia, Lower Austria, Styria and Tyrol. Burgenland moved into the orange range for the first time.
As far as the risk-adjusted 7-day incidence is concerned, Salzburg currently has the worst value at around 188. The system risk at the intensive care units is most unfavorable in Vienna with a predicted 22 percent utilization. The current figure of just under 14 percent in the federal capital is also the highest.
The trend in infection figures is upward almost throughout the country. Only in Vorarlberg is the situation considered stable. At the same time, the number of tests remains low almost everywhere. The highest number per 100,000 inhabitants is in Salzburg, with just over 40,000, and in Vienna, with just under 40,000; in the Tyrol, the figure is a downward outlier of less than 13,000.
Almost two thirds (64 percent) of all cases are diagnosed. A good third (34 percent) of all diagnosed infections are asymptomatic.
The district with the highest (risk-adjusted) incidence is currently Braunau am Inn (360). Gmünd in Lower Austria has the lowest (14).
- source: APA/picture:
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